chapter 3

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Author p.o.v

      The smell of rain drenching those hardwood was lingering all over the area.  Dewdrops hanging from the greenary holding the sunshine in its all beauty

The radient loneliness clouding the area with the heat of a sunny day.... Got interrupted by the joyful cheers and applause of men,

They were enjoying their life just like us ' humans' even after being the scary mythical creatures of our bed time stories........

Yes, they are wolfs who can transform to both organisms with in the blink of an eye..... The emptiness of the surroundings got broken by a loud voice of a male...

    "Hey jungkookei,,, you won't join us??? "
       Minhyuk shouts aiming the window of the wooden house...

    "Hey jungkookei,,, you won't join us??? "                   Minhyuk shouts aiming the window of the wooden house

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The said man turned and said,
     " you guys continue I am not in a mood"

         His voice was smooth but still        commanding the bitterness in his life can be  felt in his words he was so elegant with those pouty thin lips

   His doe eyes screaming his naive nature yet he was tall vigorous and muscular. His gaze was scattered in the forest with a downhearted face

 His gaze was scattered in the forest with a downhearted face

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Jung kook's p.o.v

While i was   enjoying the soft breeze coming through the window I heard some voice behind me I was ready to attack when I realized that its our alpha...namjoon hung..

"Oh hyung you are here? "
                      I was happy to see him

"Oh hyung you are here? "                      I was happy to see him

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  "You are not joining them "....he was pointing bam bam and yugyeom practicing  in  front of the house

"I was with them hyung, and how's the council ? "
            I know it won't go well but felt the need to ask

"Oh kook, it was a mess.... "He replied while removing his jacket

  "Yeah as usual,,,,, a smirk find its way to my lips     Nothing interesting hyung??"

"That  vampire  introduced his son as new king, and you know what koo....... He is a fucking brattt"
           hyung gritted his teeth

"So they have a new  king  I said more to myself"

"His name is jimin "
            hyung said with a smirk and sat on the chair near me

"So its going to be little tough for us Right?"

"I think we can handle him".  I left out a sigh
     I should be worried over my pack  iam the beta of this pack for a reason.....

   Then I noticed the tensed state of my hyung  and took it upon myself to calm him down

  " Of course hyung we can overrule them we are the strongest out there...
We are perfect "
    Anyone could say that words are from my Hart  while my eyes sparkle with pride

"Yes kook ,,, except in one thing...."
         He was hella sad..

OMG... here he goes again i thought

"I don't have a mate kook we dont have a luna"
              he was eying woods out there

   "We have you hyung,, and you are everything that we ever need"
                  I said while smiling at them with all of my hart

Namjoon's p.o.v

Kookei doesn't understands the situation he is young  but I know the importance of a mate 
The biggest support of an alpha is always his mate

When iam out there in the battle  my mate is the one to lead my pack

   I don't even think I have a mate

            the bond of mates are  pure and inseparable  you need it to fullfill yourself
        other than that we are perfect our pack my beta everything..
The chain of my thoughts broke when someone intruded the train...

"Hey leader hyung you came back"
    It was bam bam walking towards me while sipping water

"Bam i told you thousand times not to call me that"

    "Ok leader hyung"  he siad while punching me in the shoulder and started giggling with koo

    " Aish..... These kids "
                I said while acting irritated but in real I enjoyed every act of them
       Afterall they are my family....

"How's the council he asked "

I was narrating the whole situation when jungkook cut off me saying

   "And the new king is a fucking brat...... how's that?"

" Great news" bam bam said while all of us  where smirking

( hy sweets ❤❤ so  both protagonists  had their entry
Now lets wait for the up and downs in their life

   The chapter is a combined work of both authors 
        Love you all stay safe )

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