chapter 14

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Tae p.o.v

It hurts. All my body hurts. The man said I did something, what did I do?am sure it was one of those wolfs. But why am I getting this treatment. My head is spinning, the last thing I remember is reading the book namjoon told jungkook to look for. Yeah I know they are wolfs I always had my suspicions, just needed  some evidence. But the problem is  Why is these guys hurting me?, whom are they? Do they know the drug dealers we escaped from? Or its just something related to those wolfs ? my body parts are dripping blood and am sure I can't walk properly. But the most part of my Brain is covered with the thoughts of my hyung. I want him, I want to see my jinnei hyung.

I have to take him out of there, what will those animals do with my hyung. That namjoon has something for my hyung, I know but still he's  a creature can't be trusted . Once am out of the picture, jin hyung is an easy target coz he will be broken mentally on my disappearance.

I saw the door being opened and a little bit light entering  the room I have been kept in. One of those three men  I met earlier was walking towards me.

I tried to move away afraid to death.
Only groaning in more pain.

"Ahhhh, aaa... " Tears escape my eyes. My hyung babied me way too much for this hell.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, don't move , it will hurt more that way." He said while walking towards me. He didn't hurt me yesterday, I remember. But I have to hold my wall up.

He comes towards me and knelt beside me with some things in his hand. Is it food, water? Am dying to taste some water.

"I know a sorry won't do much in this situation, but I promise I won't hurt you. And leaving your wounds untreated isn't that ideal." He said with the brightest smile and I could tell he's sincere. He helps me sit up and I wince in pain.

"Oh am sorry, lets get up slowly. " He treated my wounds silently.

"Am hoseok, jung hoseok, you can call me hobi for short. "

"Tae, kim taehyung." I said not so interested.

"Why?" I found my self asking...

"Eh? What?"  He asked me confused.

"Why are you torturing me?" My eyes build up with tears.

"I have no answer but you shouldn't have done tricking jimin. " He said while looking anywhere but me.

"Who even is jim....."

"Hobi.."  I heard someone yelling.

Hobi p.o.v

I was treating the wounds of that poor boy, when I heard suga hyung yelling for me. I was gonna stand up but I felt weight against my chest. That boy is clutching my shirt while burying his head in my chest. You are breaking this little one jimin,

I wrapped my hands around him heard him whimper.

"Shhh, its okay its not the one who hurt you, I have to go okay they are searching  for me."

"Food... " He mumbled. Must be hungry its been one whole day. 

"Jimin told them to not to give you any food." The boy's face falls.

"I will try to sneak in some food for you. But I can't get it alone I will look for someone to help me. Wait for me okay..."  I patted his head and he nodded at me.

At pack House

"Hyung... What happened to tae? Where is he?  " Jk asks namjoon. he's almost on the verge of breaking down.

"Its them kookei, we got the smell yesterday when we came back from patrolling on the borders. We  searched the whole village and they weren't there, neither any harm to village or our wolfs. But I didn't think they will be that daring to get inside pack house itself."

"But why him hyung, and why are those bitches so double faced. Saying they won't strike first and backstabs whenever they get an opportunity." Tears roll down jungkook's eyes.

"That blood sluts won't get away with it, we will get tae back at any cost."

"But Hyung how? We don't have anything to offer them rather than our head. "  Minhyuk said as he was also debating the tears.

"And we can't approach the council, coz he being a human makes him an outsider for the pack.and for those vampires even if they don't know he's human now, They will know  in near future. Then what?"  Bam bam said while composing himself and eyeing  namjoon's room door which is now holding up still after so many hit.

Namjoon sighs loudly. He fucked up a big time. He can't go to his elders neither the council to get the help of witches. How is he gonna explain the presence of a human with them.

"Hyung you know we can't lock down jin hyung, not forever. " Jk said.

"I know kookei, but why tae? Did they know about a human being my mate? In that case Their target was jin... They wanted to break me"

Namjoon p.o.v

What am I gonna do. What if they hurt  him. What am I gonna tell jin. I should have made it clear, I should have told him the truth, and also to elders. But why now? And why tae? I don't have any answers,  what kind of a pack leader am i.

"Its not the time to feel sad hyung, we need tae back. But first you have to deal with jin hyung I think." Jungkook said while pating my back.  I think he's right.

Jin p.o.v

I can't stop my tears, what am I gonna do locked up here. I want my brother, what if he's dead or something? More tears soaked my cheeks. I will kill who ever these fucking animals are, just wait kim namjoon, its because of you I end up here.

Flash back

I ran as fast as I could, I can hear growling behind me, I can't stop, if I do I will never meet my brother. I ran without breath but each minute pass by , they are catching up. Ofc they are animals must be fast. I ran ran and ran , I couldn't hear them anymore, atlast am free now I can get my brother and leave this hell... In the blink of an eye. I felt a weight on me and am pinned to the floor.

A black wolf is... Namjoon... Its namjoon, red eyes glaring holes in my face, his canines are almost dripping with drool. I could have passed out the moment I saw something like that but the urge to get my brother was more working that time...

"Leave me namjoon. Am going to get my brother..."

"No jin its not safe, come with me we will find a way."

"who are you to decide what's safe for me and not? I will find him, I don't need you neither your  shit of  brothers. I came here on my own now am leaving."

He growls so loudly, I feel my legs trembling. Yes am scared, who won't be when you are captured by a wolf.

"You came here on your own but won't go anywhere without my liking."

"Leave namjoon " I pushed him away , well I tried...He dips his head in my neck and I could feel his irregular breathing on ny skin.

"I said leave......" I yelled and he bit me in  my neck not enough to kill me but it hurt like hell.

"Submit my mate, " there is it, something different in that voice, I can tell. I couldn't do anything, because of the pain I think, but its more like  am in a daze, I always felt this way from the moment I saw him, i can't resist him, not for a long time. He takes me upon his shoulder and ran back to that same house.

He drags me into his bedroom locking me up. I can't be this weak, I kept on banging the door crying loud no one came. Not even jungkook, I thought of you as my own brother jungkook, I would never forgive you.

End of flash back

Please god, give me my tae safe, please don't hurt my baby. I kept on playing various scenarios through my mind.Hyung will get you baby, stay strong....

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