chapter 8

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Author P.O.V

It was the very dark area of the forest,
South most border of the vampire kingdom. The conflicted area shared with those wolfs. Blood shed and violence is not something new for them. Fights with wolfs, also between different clans of vampires are daily drama. Thats what the Pygus city is known for, two tribes fighting each other for the power over the city. The power to represent the village in front of the king. They were never concerned about those poor people losing life because of the hunger for power

The dark alleyway was filled with numerous men dressed in red and ash representing the two tribes. All that could be heard was loud shouts and argument. People around them retrieving themselves into the holes fully aware of the upcoming blood shed but then something unexpected took turn. There were six tall men all in black outfits standing there giving the situation more devilish aura


When I got there (of course with yoongi hyung, hobi Jackson and all )those low life tribe vampires were fighting like some fucking wolfs in rut. I was losing my shit then I remembered they don't know me as the new king, the ceremony is yet to take place. So why don't we play a little , keeping it in mind I initiated a conversation

"Hey what's the problem here don't you think its too unhealthy to beat your own kind "

"Who the shit head are you to talk between us " a man wearing red outfit yelled at my face. Yeah ........ Thats what I get for being kind.

"Just tell the fucking shit reason or you can have a vacation in hell."  The expenses are on me of course

"Just spill the tea or I won't go easy on you guys."  Oh shit  yoongi hyung is losing his sleep

"Don't even dare to raise your voice at us, who the hell are you " one of them said to yoongi hyung

"I'm the one who fucked your girlfriend last night, now mind explaining the deed. "    I badly wanted to laugh so do my hyungs they don't even know that they are talking to the almighty yoongi

"Mother fucker................"

Then a fist landed on my hyung .


Now I lost the single coin of patience I had I delivered a powerful hit on the mans chest swirling my hand around his neck I hold him near to my chest with a snap the said man was laying on the floor dead I saw everyone gasps, a smirk found its way to my lips. Then the fights starts I swing my legs catching the legs of my prey and tackled him to the floor hitting him hard enough to spill blood. I ran towards my next target my hyungs doing the same . I Don't know what happens to me whenever I get to this aggressive state , an elephant in its musth Is more harmless than me. I should blame it on my blood. after finishing my job we organized a meeting with the head of those tribes. it will be done by next day so we have to stay in this shitty place

Hobi P.O.V

Jackson and youngjae are behaving all lovey dovey and I was admiring them. I didn't find my other half yet and was dying to meet him or her . I'm not even sure I have one, I can simply hook up with any vampire or even humans. We vampires do not really have mate system to be exact and I'm being a converted vamp doesn't make any change

I got pulled out of my dreamland by a grumpy yoongi I heard him say

"Hobi, staring at someone for long time can cause trouble"

"Hyung I was just thinking"  I made an excuse for my self

"Yeah about your non-existing mate and all I know and you too (points at jackjae) take a room ewwww...."  Mark was laughing at Jackson which earned a glare

"Hyung actually you should try it with rose "     thats what you get for teasing me
I know how much hyung hate that witch

"What the fuck horse I don't even like that bitch, if I get an opportunity I'll destroy her species"

Then I noticed something is really off with Jimin.  he is a pure vampire transformation hits him pretty hard, that he becomes more aggressive even if its possible

"Chim are you alright "

"Its nothing hyung I just have this feeling of something bad is gonna happen in my gut"

"You can tell us you know we are here for you"  Jackson said

"Yeah I think its time , I'm leaving for the deep woods"  he told us while eyeing the full moon . we will leave too anyway no one wants to be near the horny jackjae . I saw Jimin walking into the woods

Those same woods holding the key to his adventurous upcomings.

(Hope you like it and it will be double update. Not because am so happy but it was planned to gift you with a double update.
  Stay safe and love ya💜💜💜💜)

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