chapter 19

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Jungkook p.o.v

We ran as fast as we could. Arrows following us. One could have pierced my chest if it wasn't for my healthy defense. They sensed us. We can't get caught. We are fast in wolf form but we can't shift, jin hyung is with us and carrying a whole human isn't something we could perform while running for life.

We made it. Eventually we got rid of them and now our basement is getting clearer. We are exhausted.

"Lets rest in the basement everyone " I said and we made our way inside.

"Hyung, you can go and shower if u...."
He walked past me to one of the rooms.

"Hyung, what is it, there wasn't any attack for  a year and now why there's one, that too exactly when we are out in here. "

"I don't know kook buy it looks like all planned." Minhyuk hyung said. He always sense these twisted things way before us.

"Jin hyung wants to kill me am sure...." I sighed and saw my hyungs looking at me with pity.

"Its okay kookei everything is okay." Said hyung and hugged me.

"I will go out. " We all looked at bam bam hyung with shock.

"Are you nuts bamei, they are still out there, and where do you have to go at this time."

"I have to meet someone."  In the middle of chaos? Who?

"You know you sound suspicious right." I asked him raising my eyebrows.

" you bastards, Namjoon hyung told me to meet the omega who protects pack ground, she have something which is needed to mask how your blood smells."

"My blood smells....???" What about it?

"Yeah I don't know he said something about they catching it."

Oh shit how could I forget about that. He... Umm....He knows how I smell. He smelld me that day. My hands travel to my neck without me knowing. The red mark is still there  just not that much bright.

"Oh about that, you never introduce us to your lover. That hickey artist. " They said and started laughing. I was embarrassed will be an understatement.

"Its no one hyung. Just leave me alone."

"Yugi, yugi, yugi bear.... " they sang together and wiggled their eyebrow at me. Do they really think of us like that?? I wonder.

"What....???? " Yogeum asks coming from  the store room with a hand full of snacks.

"Nothing. " We face palmed at the cute baby eating all the candies.

"Be safe hyung, you want me to come with you."

"Its not safe kookei, hyung will be back in less than 2 hours.". We nodded  shaking our head,  thats why he's the war leader, always puts pack and us first , even before him.

Jackson p.o.v

"Shit we lost them."   We were chasing after some small group of wolfs and these bitches run damn fast.

"Leave it,  its just  a small group." Said mark and I nodded in agreement.

"Lets go back before jimin become insane." What I saw minutes before played in my mind.

"He's no jock bro, he didn't think twice before bathing in blood. I never saw him that way." Shownu says as we madd our way back.

"Trust me shownu he has his reasons and he's potential, just like his father."
We saw jimin standing there hands dragging someones leg and throwing them to the fire.

"All done boys??" He's smiling with all blood in his face. Psycho.

"We lost a small group by the border." I informed  standing nearby him.

"Let them live until I burn every one of them.Lets go back I have much more to dig in about something."

We started our journey back to the catsle. I have a long day tomorrow, I need to go to the human world to bring blood slaves for the royalty. Yeah these humans betray Each other for money. They serve me kidnapped humans to get money. Most of them can't survive  long   because of their blood lose, but whom did survive, end up converted vampires at some point or die as time goes by. I have to get my jae some gifts too.  We never had some quality time for a long.

Tae p.o.v

They think am a wolf, they think I betrayed that jimim guy, they are vampires, they will kill me. Now I know everything. Why am I in this mess.  That meanie jimin never visited me after that, hobi hyung always comes to see me though, always brings me things, gifts and food. My body is healing too. I want to escape. I can't stay here thinking  about my days to be killed. I wanted to ask them to get my hyung, save him from those wolfs, but not anymore, not after knowing  they are vampires.

I want to get out of here , but the only thing am gonna miss is hobi hyung, his warm smiles, but I hope he understands. I have the keys of the basement with me. I have to get out before I get caught. The keys, yes I  stole it from hobi hyung during the lunch. I made my way to the door. Tears stared to flow out my eyes.

"Am sorry hobi hyung, I wish I could stay, I wish I could see you smile my whole life.

You are the best friend I have ever had and maybe more. Am thankful to every time when you  hugged me and comforted me.  I mumbled while opening the door.

Finally am free, the hallway is dark I made my way towards the door. I started crawling and the door isn't locked. I opened it and saw steps leading to god knows were.

 I opened it and saw steps leading to god knows were

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I dashed through the steps and ran through my way.  My heart was pounding hard. I saw light from a door. The window showing thick forest in bright day light. Yesssssss, finally am free.... I  took my hands to grab the door knob. Yes am going to open it....

Suddenly my hands aren't reaching the knob, I tried stretching... No am not reaching. I felt someone grabbing my neck from behind...

Suddenly am collapsed to the wall with a heavy body on legs are trembling....

"Where are you running off to wolfyyy....????". shivers run down my spine .

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