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There wasn't a time I remember being so happy in my life until now. I recieved a letter from the Headmistress of Hogwarts 2 weeks ago about my application. I want to become an Astronomer one day and I'm hoping Hogwarts will be the perfect opportunity to begin with. I have already sent an application to a very unique place called AODS (Astronomers Observatory and Department of Science) but no response yet. It's been months since I sent it out but hopefully I'll be able to receive something.

"Are you almost ready sweetheart?" My mom shouts from the other side of the door.

"Almost. I'll be right out in a few minutes." I respond back. My mom wants me to look formal for my first day at Hogwarts so she gave me a white buttoned down shirt with long loose sleeves, a black skirt that reached just below the knees, and some black slip on shoes. This is by far my favorite outfit of the year.
I look at myself in the mirror to see if I look good but I need someone else to tell me that.
"Alright. How do I look?" I say as I open the door to my mom waiting.

"You look perfect. Absolutely professional." She says with a smile. I smile back with an exciting but nervous feeling.
"Are you excited?" She asks.

"More nervous than excited but hopefully everything goes well." I respond as I grab my suitcase.

"Well you should probably get going. We don't want you to be late on your first day." My mom grabs the suitcase out of my hands to make it easier for me. We exit my room and walk down the stairs to meet up with my dad who is waiting for me.

"What do you think?" I ask my dad as soon as I see him. He takes a closer look at the outfit with a straight face.

"Impressing someone?" He says with no emotion.

"Nope. Just you." I softly laugh as I grab my suitcase from my mom.

"Seems like you are to me. Anyone else I should know about before we leave?" He asks.

"Of course not." I walk towards the closet to grab a few sweaters.
"Besides, no one is good enough for me, according to you." I say quietly.

"(Y/n). Look at me."

I let out a sigh the moment I hear his footsteps approach me. I turn around to look him in the eyes.

"I'm only looking out for you. You deserve the best." He lifts up my chin but I move away from him.

"If you wanted the best for me then you would've accepted the guys I chose."

"Those boys had nothing to offer. They are after one thing and thing only." He raises his voice but soon takes a breath to calm down.
"I do not want you to get hurt."

I put my suitcase down after a moment so I can hold his hand.
"Look. I know how much you care for me and I'm so happy to have a dad like you, but you have to at least accept one person I introduce you to. That's the only way I will make this family proud. Mostly you, okay?"

"Then find someone who will protect you like I have protected you. Someone who will look after you when I'm no longer here." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.

I wrap my arms around him to give my biggest hug.
"I'm always going to need you to protect me, but I'll try to find someone who's just like you. I promise."

"Good. I'll be expecting grandkids." He kisses my forehead before letting go to walk away. I roll my eyes and grab my suitcase to follow him.

"But until then I will be focusing on my studies, okay?" I say as I follow him to the door.

"If you say so." He responds.

"Leaving without saying goodbye are we?" My grandpa walks down the stairs with his cane in hand. I drop the suitcase again and rush over to help him.

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