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After drinking a couple glasses of wine, my head began to spin. I'm a light drinker but Snape can definitely hold in his liquor. I wish I could do the same.
Besides, I only had 2 full glasses of wine, which was a mistake.

Snape took small sips of his firewhiskey that I got him. So I guess he was responsible enough to not make the same mistake as I did.

"You know Professor, I appreciate you being with me during the holidays. I may seem annoying to you at times but you somehow have the patience unlike anyone else. Or maybe you hide your emotions. One or the other." I say while trying to focus on him. He seems blurry at times but I still have control on focusing my vision.

"Experience, in a way I'm not proud of." He mutters before taking a sip of his drink.

"But you got through that and it's something you should be proud of. You survived and now you're here." I say while taking more sips of my wine.

"There are still consequences for my actions."

"Well, that may be true Professor. Though I don't see you any different. I see you as someone who did the right thing for all the right reasons. You did the impossible for everyone around you. You saved your students." I put the wine glass on the table and scoot closer to his side. I tend to realize the more he drinks, the more open he is.

"Not every student was saved Ms. (L/n). Lives were lost." He looks down at his drink while swirling it around a bit.

"Students fought very hard Professor. They fought for this school knowing what could happen. They were prepared for anything." I cover my mouth to yawn before slowly leaning towards Snape.
"I was prepared for what was to come too. I saved many lives that day, thanks to a certain Professor who showed me cures."

"And who would that be?"

"Professor Snape." I whisper as I rest my head on his shoulder with eyes closed. At this point my words do not mean anything to me. I'm about to pass out.
"Don't tell anyone but I think he has a heart. He can be a softie." I giggle as I get more comfortable.

"A what?" He questions. The moment I wrapped my arm around his forearm, he stiffens but soon loosens up.

"A softie. Someone who cares very much for certain people and takes care of them. I see him as a softie and it's adorable."

I hear him groan in annoyance from hearing me say that again.

"I was very scared of him when I first came to Hogwarts. I think I almost cried myself to sleep when he yelled at me for being late 3 times in one week." I begin to laugh at the memory more than I intended.
"So seeing him as a softie is amazing and I like him that way. Even though he hides his emotions, I still accept him for who he is. Just don't tell him I told you that." I let out a sigh before murming words that do not make sense.

"Why?" He whispers.

"He'll find out my secret." I say softly as my brain begins to slowly fall asleep.

"What secret?" His voice sounded demanding but I couldn't answer since I was already asleep. Even though I wasn't awake, I could still feel him shift his body to let me feel comfortable.
My head slowly slid down from his shoulder to his chest and it allowed me to hear his heartbeat. His heartbeat could even make me feel at ease. I love it.

The cold breeze of a winter morning slowly creeped up to my arms, making me want to grab a blanket. When I move my body I felt an arm wrapped around my lower back to my waist. I look up and see Snape slouched back with his head resting on the cushions behind him.
I soon look down at his arm and notice that he's sort of holding me tight. Then I realize that I'm leaning against him with my arm going across his chest until I'm grabbing his shoulder. I was resting my head on his chest where I heard his heartbeat.

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