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The next morning I wake up to the huge sunlight hitting my eyes. I use my blanket to cover my face but now I can't fall back asleep anymore. Hate it when that happens.
So instead I just decide to get up but when I sit up straight, I wince from using my wrist. My eyes had to adjust before I could look how it is. It's not swollen but I do see bruises that can make up a hand. It's not pretty. Thankfully the lotion my mom put made the redness go away. That's a start.

To at least ease the pain, I'll take a quick shower and get dressed for the day. I'm probably not allowed to go outside but this whole day can give me time to write a letter to AODS. Just in case I'm not allowed to go back to Hogwarts. I have to write a letter to Minerva too and I know I'll be doing Severus a favor if I leave.

After I'm done changing and wrapping my wrist with a bandage, I head downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom sees me walk down the stairs and warmly smiles at me. My dad on the other hand, kept on reading the newspaper.
Instead of sitting across from him like always, I sit close to the corner of the table where I'm not near him. My mom notices but still acts like nothing is wrong.

"Any plans today?" She asks while setting the plate down in front of me.

"I'm just going to write a letter to AODS. I still have time." I grab the fork with the bandaged hand and begin eating my scrambled eggs.

"But I thought you would take the opportunity to be a Professor. Isn't that what you want?" She asks as if she doesn't know my dad made the decision. Guess she wants me to fight for the position but that's not happening. No thanks.

"It's fine, mom. I'll be doing everyone a favor anyways." I say with an attitude. My dad put down his newspaper and looked at my hand. I quickly hide it and use my other one to eat.

After finishing my food, I get up from the table and head into the kitchen where my mom is cleaning up.

"May I take a look?" She asks when I took the bandage off to clean the dishes. I gently give her my hand so she can have a closer look.
"Doesn't this bother you?" She gently squeezes my wrist a couple times until I winced in pain.

"It's fine. I'm okay." I pull my hand back and wash my plate with ease.

"Look, whatever your dad said yesterday, just know-"

"I know what he said mom. I told you it's fine. It's not that big of a deal."

"Yes it is. You worked hard to get to where you're at. You've earned to do whatever you desire."

"AODS was my first dream. It's what I've always wanted anyways."

"Will you stop? Honey you don't know how proud we are of your accomplishments. You need to fight for what you deserve."

"Even if I go back, dad will drag me out of there and lock me inside my room for who knows how long. I am not jumping out of the window either. He already hates me anyway. So can we just drop it?" I finish washing my plate and begin wrapping the bandage around my wrist again.

"Your father doesn't hate you. He loves you so much." She grabs my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug. I gently put my hands on her shoulders but my eyes landed on my wrist. That's when a question popped into my head.

"Did he ever hit you?" I whisper quietly. She pulls away from the hug but doesn't say anything.
"Mom, did he or did he not?"

She turned her head towards the kitchen door then looks back at me.
"He did once."

"Why would he do that?"

"After you were born, your father told me stay home until he came back from work. I was not allowed to go out alone. But one day, I hired a babysitter to look after you while he was out. I needed a few supplies so I went out by myself without your father knowing. I've done it several times until one day, a stranger left a mark on my arm." She holds out her arm and shows me the faded scar that's three inches long. I'm not sure if it was a deep cut but it looked painful to have if I was her.

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