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⚠️ Sexual content ⚠️

In the morning, I woke up with the blanket down to my waist. I quickly covered myself when I forgot that I'm full on naked under the sheets. That's when I start to panic again. I sit up straight and see Severus beside me still sleeping peacefully with no shirt on.

'Shit. What the hell did I just do? Why did I let him do that? Why did I say yes? My dad won't find out right? It's not like I actually had sexual intercourse and I'm going to end up pregnant. Yeah, that's it. As long as I'm not pregnant when I get home then I'm good. He just has to accept Severus and we'll be good. Everything is... fine.'

I lay back down with a content sigh but I might feel regret later on.

I started thinking as to why I'm not allowed to do any sexual activities with someone my dad doesn't trust.
If I put myself in a situation where Severus and I had intimate sex but we argue a lot, and he just left me out of the blue, then I'd feel heartbroken, lonely... and used.

My dad doesn't want me to get hurt. But Severus would never leave me. He wouldn't use me if we ever do it... right?
I turn on my side to look at Severus again. The thought of him using me and leaving me got my mind having scenarios of what's unlikely going to happen, I hope.

'I'm basically hurting own feelings at this point.'

I push that crazy thought out of my head and scoot closer to Severus. I rest my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.
Slowly he starts waking up and sees me sleeping on his bare chest. His hand caresses my side until reaching my hips under the sheets. His touch felt so good on my bare skin.
I pretend to wake up but cover myself as much as I can with the blanket. I still feel a little shy in front of him.

"I could wake up to this everyday." He grabs my chin to kiss me passionately. His hand then went under the covers so he can cup and squeeze one of my breasts. It felt so good whenever he touched me.

Suddenly Severus stops and pulls back when he heard my stomach growl. It made me laugh.
"I'm hungry, don't judge me." I push him away so I can get up. I kept the blanket on me and grabbed my bag to change.

Before I could enter the bathroom, I look back at Severus and see him staring, waiting for me to drop the blanket.
I roll my eyes and drop it to let him see me. After that, I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I decide to take a shower today and it felt nice. Having a dreamless sleep was something I needed. Though I'm not sure if these nightmares will continue. They might.

After getting ready, I exit the bathroom and see Severus dressed up as well. He always looks so handsome.

"I should probably get going. I'll see you at breakfast." I give him a peck on the lips and head towards his door. Severus always gives me a head start if we ever go anywhere just so no one suspects anything.

On my way towards the great hall, I see Lupin approach me.
"Ms. (L/n), may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Oh, of course."

"In private." He whispers and leads me to the nearest classroom.

"Did you need something Professor?" I ask as he closed the door behind us.

"I only wanted to ask I simple question. How long have you and Severus been together?" He asks with a growing smile. I almost became speechless.

"Uh, I-I don't know what you mean by that." I nervously laugh and it made him happy to see me like that.

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