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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

Getting everything off my chest and telling Severus everything made the headache go away. The stress was still there but I needed the headache to go away to feel relieved at least. I couldn't take it anymore.

"So that's why I didn't say anything." I say quietly while wiping a few tears away with the blanket. Severus turns his body towards me and hugs me tight.

"You shouldn't have gone through that by yourself." He whispers and kisses my forehead. I miss those types of kisses.

"There's something else." I wanted to cover my face with the blanket when I had to tell him everything. Including the rule.


"So, I told you about my dad not liking deatheaters and why he turned Chris away right?"

"What about it?"

"Um... well my dad made a rule for me after Chris's introduction." I say quietly while blushing.

"What rule?" Severus's voice sounds stern and I'm hoping he doesn't get mad.

"I um, I wasn't supposed to have sex with a deatheater." I say with an awkward smile.

"And you think that would've stopped me?" He whispers before giving me a peck on the lips.

"Well when you say it like that it sounds like you were planning to force yourself on me." I say a bit suspiciously.

"Not with that intention." Severus scoffs and begins to get up, dressing himself up with his wand.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I couldn't help myself?" I shrug my shoulders, making him raise an eyebrow.
"Alright fine. I just wanted you to be my first, okay? I wanted to make it official. And plus you just make me feel all sorts of things everytime you look at me. It's... tempting." My cheeks turn red from saying that.

"Is that so?" Severus suddenly pulls the blanket off me until he's able to see my body. I cover myself even after all the times he saw me naked. It's a force of habit. His eyes never leave my body as he walks over to the other side of the bed where I am.
"Do I make you sexually aroused?" He slides his finger along my leg until reaching my thigh, giving me goosebumps.

"Maybe you do." I tease. I sit up straight and swing my legs over on the edge of the bed. He stands in between them, not letting me stand up.
"Severus let me get up." I giggle while trying to stand up but he pushes me down until I'm lying on my back again.

"I'm not surprised how much I tempt you." His hands slide upwards from my stomach to my breasts then back down to my waist. His eyes scan my body once more as if he's taking it all in.
"You don't even hesitate to spread your legs for me." He slides his hands on my inner thighs, making me breathe heavily at just how close he is to my center. But I quickly control myself before he even tries anything again.

"Like I said, tempting." I close my legs and swing them over to one side so I can finally stand up.
"But you're not getting anymore today." I tip toe while grabbing his shoulders to give him a peck on the lips.
"You'll have to wait." I whisper.

Severus chuckles under his breath before caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. I love it when he does that.
"Beautiful as always." He whispers. I blush just as he gets closer for a small kiss.

When he pulls back he removes his hands to let me get changed. I kept on blushing everytime he looks at me while putting my clothes on.
"I should probably get going. My parents will wonder where I am." After putting on the cardigan, I fix my hair and slip on my flats.

"When will I see you again?" Severus hugs me from behind and places a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"If possible, tomorrow. I'll come to you, alright?" I turn around in his arms and give him a peck on the lips but he wanted more. He lifted my chin a bit more and presses his lips against mine. He almost took it a bit further by slipping his hands under my shirt again but I stop him.
"Don't even think about it." I softly giggle when he rolled his eyes and walks away towards the bedroom door.

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