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In the morning I wake up from a cold spot on my arm. I guess I took off the blanket when I was hot.
My eyes slowly open and adjusted quickly to see that I'm now facing the wall. I turn over to lay on my right side but I forgot that I'm not in my bed when I see Severus in front of me, still sound asleep. I make the most of it by slightly lowering myself until my head rests on his chest again. He's so warm that I want to stay like this forever.

As soon as he begins to slowly wake up, I pretend that I'm waking up as well.

"Goodmorning." I whisper softly when he opens his eyes.

"Sleep well?" He asks in that angelic morning voice. I got goosebumps from it.

"I did. But can we sleep for another hour or so? I like it here." I say while closing my eyes again. He grabs my chin to lift it up for him to lean in closer.

"No." He says right before he was able to kiss me. Instead he just kissed my forehead.
"Time to get up."

I groan in frustration and cover myself with the blanket but he pulls it back, letting the cold breeze hit me.

"Hey! It's cold." I try to pull the blanket but he has a good grip on it.

"You can continue sleeping in 14 hours."

"Can I sleep with you again?" I ask while getting off the bed. Severus tosses the blanket on the bed to grab my arm and pull me towards him. He leans in for a kiss and I follow along.

"As many times as you'd like." He mutters.

"Good. If you said no then I'll sneak in either way." I tease. He chuckles under his breath before giving me a peck on the lips. When he let me go I quickly grab my clothes to change in the bathroom. Soon as I'm done I step outside and head to the kitchen where Severus is all dressed up making coffee.
"Do you have work this weekend?" I ask while sitting at the dining table. He grabs both cups and hands me one that has cream and sugar. Love it.

"Plenty. Many subjects to review." He says before sipping his coffee. I take a sip as well and it tastes so good.

"Me too. Reviews are coming up, and I'm not excited about it. I need to write down some notes for the upcoming subjects too." I take another sip of my coffee until I remembered that I need more ink.
"I need to head down to Diagon Alley for some more ink. I'm running out." I carefully take full sips until I finish my coffee.

"You're not allowed to go alone." He finishes his coffee and stands up to grab my cup and put them in the sink.

"I know, so I was wondering if you would like to come along." I stand up from the chair and walk closer to where he's standing.
"Please?" I beg.

"When would you like to go?" He asks while putting away the cups.

"Can we go now? I'll be quick."

"If you insist."

"Good. Let's go." I grab his arm to drag him towards the door but he stays in place.

"Shoes." He says while looking at my feet. How did I forget to put on my shoes?

"Sorry." I quickly put on my flats and fix my hair before going again.
"Done. Now let's go." I grab my sweater and open the door. Severus grabs his coat as well and exits the room, closing the door behind us. I grab his arm but when students turned the corner I immediately let go and just walk beside him like normal. I don't want to hide our relationship but if that's what Severus wants then I'll do as he says.

Soon enough we reach the front doors in no time. Severus opens the door to let me out first like always and closes it behind him. I watch my step this time just in case there is any black ice.
I almost slipped but thankfully I grabbed Severus's arm to hold me steady.

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