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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

A/N: There you go smut lovers (a.k.a besties!) Love you all!

Three weeks have passed and I've been getting little to no sleep. I have Chris stuck in my head and I want him gone. I can't even concentrate on my notes for class anymore. The subject is getting harder for me to understand and it feels like I'm learning this all over again, like a first year student.

While I'm in my room grabbing some things to sleep over at Severus's quarters, I begin to slowly close my eyes but immediately wake up when I almost fell over. I quickly go to the bathroom to wash my face. I need to act awake until bedtime. I can not let Severus interrogate me.

After splashing some water in my face, I looked in the mirror and see dark under eye bags. I open the drawer and pull out some cream to help me hide them.
The past week I began to wonder if this is one of Chris's tortures to make me regret not choosing him. Cause if it is, then it's working.

Before leaving my room, I eat an apple to have a little bit of energy. After that, I grab my things and put on some shoes before heading for the door.

I quickly exit the room and walk towards the dungeons. Thankfully it's not as cold as it was a couple months ago.
I'm just so happy spring is still here. I'll miss the snow but I also miss the sun.

Once I make it to his room, I put my things down in his bedroom before joining him at the kitchen. He didn't want me to go to the great hall for dinner because he wanted to cook something for the both of us. I think it's really sweet.

"What are you cooking today?" I ask before getting on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Take a look." He says quietly. I look at the small pot and see some mashed potatoes with parsley. My favorite. To the side I see cooked asparagus. Then when I noticed a timer on the stove, I look in the oven and see a huge piece of steak. Rib eye steak.

"These are my absolute favorite." I watch as he lowers the heat on the mashed potatoes and sprinkles them with a bit more parsley.

"Good." He places the small pot to the side, away from the heat before turning towards me and pulling me closer by the wrist for a kiss.
I grab his shoulders while his hands land on my waist.
During the kiss his tongue entered through my lips again, still taking me by surprise.

Though I may have enjoyed it a bit too much to the point where I let him push me against the counter so he can press his body against mine.
I was out of breath when he pulled back but I didn't do or say anything to stop him from kissing my neck. I never let him do that until now. I was too focused on him that nothing else mattered.

When he found a sensitive spot, I let out a soft moan but it made him... excited.
I lightly gasped while still grabbing his shoulders with a strong grip. My whole body froze.

I hear him chuckle under his breath near my neck. He knows I feel it pressed against my thigh.
"It's only a matter of time." He whispers while giving me butterfly kisses from my neck until he reaches my lips but I pull back.

"Severus I-I told you. I'm not ready yet." I swallow hard and look away when my cheeks turn red.

"I am not forcing you to be ready." He cups my chin to turn my head so I can make eye contact.
"I want you to be comfortable enough with me."

How I wish to let him show me what it feels like. I know I'm not ready but if I didn't have to follow that one simple rule, I would've let him do anything to me right here right now.

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