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Monday morning arrives sooner than expected but I have a feeling this week will go by fast. Besides, I'm a bit excited to see the student's outfit on Saturday. Hopefully mine doesn't stand out from the crowd.

"Do you have everything needed?" Professor Sinistra asks as she's getting stuff from her desk.

"Yes I do. I'll be okay."

"Alright. Do not be afraid to ask for help from other Professors. Although I do hope that won't be necessary."

"It will not, I promise. Please have a safe trip." I hand over the paper she was looking for to complete her packing.

"Thank you. I'll be back soon." She waves goodbye as she leaves the classroom for good. My nerves are acting up but I need to calm myself down before the students arrive.

"Okay, I got this. Just don't panic." I practice taking deep breaths in case I begin to panic again. Hopefully not anymore for today.

Right on time, the students begin to arrive with a look of concern on their faces when they see a textbook on their desks. Sometimes it means more silent reading but I have an idea this time.
Once they're all sat down, I begin class for the day.

"Okay I need everyone's attention. As you all know Professor Sinistra will not be in class until Friday morning. So in other words, I will be your teacher for the next few days." I grab the stack of papers on the desk and pile them up in a neat stack. I heard a slight whisper from the back of the classroom so I decided to test out the discipline warning I have in mind.
"Also, if there is anyone not willing to participate or pay attention during class, you will be sent to detention with the Headmistress or Professor Snape. Am I clear on that?"

"Yes Ms. (L/n)." The class said all at once. It felt nice to be in charge for once. No wonder Professors like to be in control.

"Alright then. Let's get started." I turn around to write down the 2 words on the chalkboard so everyone knows the topic for the time being.
"Does anyone know what a black hole is?" I look for any raised hands and see Amelia shyly put her hand up.

"Yes Amelia." I call on her first.

"It's a giant thing that pulls in everything in it's path, right?"

"Yes. Good job. A black hole is what scientists like to call, No man's land. Meaning no one has ever been inside a black hole before. Though if someone did get sucked into one, their body will stretch into a string until they become nothing. Thankfully, black holes are far away and can not reach our solar system. Now, everyone open their textbooks to page 102."

Everyone begins to flip their pages to the right section where it talks about black holes and gravity.

"I want everyone to carefully read the first 2 paragraphs and when you're done, close your books but don't lose your page. Got it?" I stand beside the chalkboard with the chalk ready in my hand.
"You may begin."
While they're reading, I write down their names on the board like a game. I'm going to ask a question from the paragraphs to see who can remember the answer.

After 5 minutes or so, everyone closes their book with their thumb still on the page to not lose it.

"Alright. I am going to ask a question or two from the paragraphs throughout the first half of the chapter to see who can remember what they read. Whoever can answer the question correctly will get 1 point. The student who gets the most points in this class will get to leave 5 minutes early and have this small bag of candy." I lift up a small sized bag filled with lots of mixed candies.
"Who does not wish to participate?" I ask. No one raises their hand so that's a good start.
"Alright. You will not be allowed to look at your book for the answer. You must memorize it. Now, who can tell me what a black hole is made of?"

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