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Sometimes I wonder what it will be like if I had a chance with Professor Snape. I think about what he does in his freetime. Possibly read a book, make potions for Pomfrey, take a walk outside of Hogwarts, or something that gets his mind off of work. Something I could try with him to spend more time together.

"Ms. (L/n)?" Sinistra taps my shoulder until I got out of my own trance. I look up and see many eyes staring back at me.

"I'm sorry. What was the question?" I quietly whisper.

"The definition of Cosmology." She whispers back. My eyes widen. That topic could take weeks to cover.

"Oh uh, cosmology is the theory of the universe. In other words, finding the origin of the universe." I gulp down the saliva built up in my mouth and think of something else to say but nothing is in my brain. Nothing but the thought of making this class boring with my non-existent words.

"Thank you Ms. (L/n) for the definition. Now everyone open your books to page 124 We will be covering the topic Cosmology Theory and Existence." Sinistra thankfully saves my embarrassment when she knew I had nothing else to say. I just know she's going to ask if everything is okay after class though. In the meantime I'll try to pay attention in class without distractions.

"Who would like to read the first para-"

I look up at Sinistra to know why she stopped talking. I see her looking at the doorway, along with the other students. Although the students look terrified.

"Professor Snape. Is there a reason why you interrupted my class?" Sinistra asks. I look at the door and see Professor Snape standing there with his arms crossed.

"I need to speak with Ms. (L/n)." He says. The students look at me with sorrow in their eyes. I would too.

"It'll only take a few minutes." I whisper as I get up from my seat. Sinistra nods before going back to teaching.
"Yes Professor?" I say in a shaky voice.

"The potion." He raises the small vial in his hand, swirling it around a couple times.

"Did I mess it up?" My heart beats faster while sweating from my forehead.
"I swear I did everything like the book said. You didn't give some to Pomfrey right?"

"Ms. (L/n)." He calls again. I shut my mouth to hear what he has to say this time.
"I need you to make another one." He puts away the vial in his sleeve again without letting me touch it. Maybe he knows I'll drop it.

"I'm sorry Professor but are you asking me to make some more?"

"For someone who got every potion wrong in my class you didn't mess this one up. I expect you to be in my class after dinner." Snape walks away before I could say anything else. Was that all he came here for? Couldn't he wait until lunch to tell me?

After dinner I got stuck talking to Professor Lupin for a moment until I realized that I had to head to potions. I literally forgot about that. I don't mind going but my question is why would he trust me again on making that specific potion. Doesn't he have enough already?

When I arrive I knock on the door but it opened on it's own. Maybe he already knows I'm here.
"Okay Professor. I'm here." I walk in announced as I toss my bag on a chair.
"Hello?" I look all around me but he's not here. I think he forgot to lock the door, which means it'll make it look like I came in without his permission.

I quickly grab my bag and head for the door before he comes back.

No doubt, he was already at the door.

"Professor. Hi."

"Have you not started?" He asks as he walks past me.

"Oh. Am I allowed to start without you here?"

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