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⚠️ Sexual content ⚠️

A week has passed by really fast and so far I've felt free. So has Severus. Though I've been wanting to go outside while he wants to stay inside. Not because of the safety thing, but because he wants to spend more time with me before school starts. I told him I'm going to be with him everyday but apparently it's not enough for him.

"Okay how about this? I'll move some of my things into your quarters so I can slowly start living with you. I'll be seeing you everyday. Is that enough for you?"

"Hm... maybe."

"What more do you want?" I laugh as I sit up straight with the blanket around me but he pulled me back down.

"I need more of you." He mutters against my lips while pulling the covers off of me, letting the cold air hit my naked body.

"Severus you are making this harder to avoid." I say as I pull him in for a kiss. I then push him down so he's laying on his back. I quickly get on top so I'm straddling him.
"Been a while since I've tasted you." I lean down to give him a kiss before lowering myself as I kiss his neck and chest. Once I make it to his stomach, I get comfortable between his legs and grab his length with one hand, making him groan.

I slowly lick the tip with ease before taking him in my mouth to where I can reach. This man tastes good.
I moan as I make eye contact when I slowly removed myself. I take him in again and bob my head up and down while stroking him. Severus places his hand on my head and helped me take him in a little more. His breathing was fast and it's what I'm looking for.

I kept sucking in my cheeks while quickly stroking him so I can have his seeds. I want to taste him.
Severus grunts as he pushes my head down so he can feel my warm and wet mouth all over his length.
I lick the tip everytime I bob my head up to get that taste, little by little. I need him so bad.

Suddenly Severus keeps my head still when he finally releases his warm seeds into my mouth.
I suck in my cheeks and slowly lift up my head to get every drop.
I swallow everything and use my index finger to get any excess in the corners of my mouth.

After that I crawl up and straddle him but he grabbed my waist. He gestures me to scoot closer so I did. He pulled me further up until I'm right above his face.
"Don't be shy." Severus presses my thighs down until I'm sitting on his face. I gasp as I grab hold onto the bed frame when he inserted his tongue.

"Severus." I hold on for dear life as he's eating me out. His hands never leave my thighs just in case he needs to pull me down again.

"This is my breakast." He mutters against my folds, making me blush.
"Let me taste you." He adds. I rest my head on the bed frame when his tongue worked its magic.
"Let me have you."

After a moment, I throw my head back when my folds closed around his tongue. I wanted to release already. I use my hand to reach down there but Severus stopped me. He pushes my hand away and uses his thumb to rub my clit in circles with ease.

I let out loud moans when I'm ready to release, so I do. I hold onto the bed frame as hard as I can when I finally climax. He holds me in place so he can finish cleaning me up.
Soon after, he let's me get off of him. He uses his wand to clean up both of us just when I lied down next to him again.

Severus pulls me closer to his body and turned my head to kiss me on the lips. His kiss turned into a makeout session and it made me want more of him.
"I want you Severus. I need you inside me, please." I mutter against his lips. Severus wasted no time in getting on top of me and aligning himself with my entrance.

I let out a gasp when he pushed himself in and began pounding into me. I let out breathy moans with each thrust as I grab hold onto his back.
Severus nips at my neck a couple times before he cups my chin to make me look at him, having our hot heavy breaths combine with each other.

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