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On Saturday morning I wake up feeling a bit better. Ever since I had a small conversation with Professor Snape about my saddest moment, a heavy weight has been slowly lifting off my shoulders. Just talking about my grandpa was a little relieving. Then I remembered that one of the ways to cope with grief is to talk to someone. Maybe that's why I'm slowly starting to accept it. I'm just wondering how I was able to talk about him with Professor Snape instead of Lupin.
Maybe it was the comfort I had when I was with him outside.

When I looked out the window, I knew it was going to be a nice day. I've been meaning to go outside for some fresh air again but I always tell myself to stay inside. Mostly because I wasn't ready, but maybe I am this time. I won't know until I try.

So I quickly get ready for the day to go outside. I put on a pair of black leggings and a soft gray v-neck shirt with my flats. Nothing too lazy and nothing too elegant, just perfect.

After putting on a light sweater, I finally get the courage to open the door and walk out without any hesitation this time. Little by little I'll start to feel a lot better, hopefully.
As far as I know, it's a bit early for students to be out in the hallways at this hour. It's only half an hour before breakfast starts, so I should be good.

The hallways are cold during the mornings but soon it'll be warm enough. Winter is just around the corner and I'm somewhat excited. I love the snow but I'll miss the heat at some points.

When I reach the 2 hallways that lead to different directions, my mind processes which way I want to go. Either the left hallway that leads to any door that could get me outside or the right hallway where the Astronomy tower is. Obviously it didn't take long to decide.

"Astronomy tower it is."
Just seeing the stairs straight ahead feels like I'm already outside, and it feels amazing. My legs go as fast as they can so I can reach the top already. The stairs are my enemy but it doesn't matter to me at this point.

When I finally make it to the top of the stairs, the fresh air mixed with the beautiful view of a sunrise took my breath away. I walk closer to the edge so I can feel the cool breeze perfectly hit my skin. My eyes close for a moment as I inhale that morning breeze that makes life worth living. Sometimes just taking a breath is all we need to feel calm and relaxed. It's something we take for granted but sooner or later, we'll realize that it's a gift. A gift we've been receiving everyday since day one.

My eyes open back up when the sun began to fully show. It was bright enough to see through my eyelids. The warm feeling I got from where I'm standing felt amazing. I love it.

"I had a feeling you'd be here." Minerva walks up the stairs with 2 envelopes in her hand.
"How are you feeling dear?"

"I'm slowly getting better, thank you for asking." I respond with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Though I hope you've been getting some sleep." She stands next to me and begins to move my hair out of the way before it hits my face when the soft wind comes.

"I have lately. Maybe more than I should but I'll need to recover my sleep schedule."

"That's always a fun thing to do isn't it?"

"Very." A smile formed on my lips when she stayed with me for a little while longer. I've always loved having small conversations with Minerva. They're peacefull to my mind.

"Well I must get going. Breakfast will start soon. If there is anything you need, we will be here to help you."

"Thank you Minerva. I really appreciate it."

"I would also like to hand these over." She passes me the envelopes that were in her hand. It has my name written on the front for both of them but nothing else. Though it didn't take me long to recognize the handwritings.
"They came in yesterday morning. Thought you were ready to recieve them."

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