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On the morning before Christmas Eve, students aboard the train back home to see their families. I wish I could go home too but no one will be waiting for me. Everyone seems busy.

"Are you heading home as well?" Minerva comes up behind me as I look at the students board the train.

"Sadly not, though there is always next year." I show a smile to let her know I'm okay with it. My parents are hardworking people and I do not want to interfere. They raised me right and the least I could do is be patient. I can't wait to see them soon.

"I'm sorry dear. Is there anything I could do to make your stay comfortable?" She asks as she wraps her arm around my shoulder for a side hug.

"I'll be okay Minerva. Work will be keep me busy anyways."

"If you say so. If you need anything at all don't be afraid to ask Professor Snape, alright?" She says with a loving voice. For a moment it felt like my heart skipped a beat. Professor Snape will be here too?

"Okay. Thank you Minerva. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas."

"Thank you dear. I will see you soon." She says her goodbyes until leaving my side. I already miss her warm loving voice.

"Guess I gotta go back to work." I tell myself after seeing the train depart. With a sigh I head back inside and head to my room. I know there will be several students staying here for the holidays but it will sound awfully quiet in the halls during this time of year.

The moment I enter my room, the first thing I see are the stacks of papers Sinistra gave me to work on for the holiday. She knew I wasn't going home this year so I guess she took the advantage on giving me something to distract myself with.
I mean, I did sign up for this anyway.

*2 hours later*

With 1 out of 3 stacks of papers done, I decide to stretch my legs by going for a walk. I need some fresh air anyways.
I grab my coat, mittens, furry boots and scarf before heading out of the door. I do not want to get sick during this time around. It will be awful.

Walking down the hallways seem so empty. It's usually time for classes but with almost no one here it almost seems abandoned.

With my calm pace I head for the front doors of Hogwarts. It should be a sunny today. So hopefully it's not that cold.
The second I open the door I felt the cool gentle breeze hit my skin. Feels amazing.

I close the door behind me and begin walking around the school grounds. Someone could easily find me outside since I leave behind messy footprints on the snow. My boots makes it seem like I'm sliding my way around. Then I see one part of untouched snow that looks so smooth. I just want to lay on it.

I get closer to the untouched snow but I tripped on a hidden rock that was buried under the snow. Luckily I caught myself just in time before I could face plant on the ground.

I get myself back up and pick up the rock to throw it out of my way.
After that, I pick up some snow and just toss it in the air. It made little snow fluffs fall on my face and hair. I do it once more to have a bit more fun. This time, it was much more refreshing to say the least.

I wave my arms to get the snow off of my coat since I can't go inside looking like I had a fight with a snowman. But I'm not going inside just yet. Being out here feels nice.

So I turn around to keep walking but Professor Snape's tall figure scared the crap out of me to the point where I fell on my butt by taking a wrong step backwards.

"Professor. I-I didn't know you were standing there." I say while trying to get up again. I have to wipe off the snow from my butt and legs.

"I see you are enjoying yourself." He says while watching me dust myself off.

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