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The day has finally come. It's officially Christmas.
I get up from my bed and head over to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. After that, I quickly get changed into something much more comfortable.
I'm deciding on whether to make breakfast here or just get food from the great hall. The food here on Christmas day is delicious, not to mention the beautiful decorations in the great hall.

Maybe the great hall will be better.
So I put on my flats and head down there for breakfast. When I enter, I see the chandeliers change color from red to white ever few seconds. I see a few students already enjoying their food but where's Snape? Maybe I can bring breakfast to his room.

So with that in mind, I decide to eat breakfast first and serve some delicious scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. It's how I like my food and I notice that it's also Professor Snape's favorite as well. Looks like we do have something in common.
Except the coffee part. It's not that I don't like coffee, I just never tried his type of coffee.

With the plate in my hands I head over to Professor Snape's quarters, trying not to drop anything.

"Professor Snape?" I call out. I hear the door unlock after several times of calling his name. When he opens the door, I show him the plate with a big smile on my face, hoping he accepts it.
"I didn't see you at breakfast, so I thought I'd bring you some."


"Well you brought me food last time. So I should return the favor by bringing you breakfast." I stretch out my arms a bit more so he can take it.

He looks at me before looking back at the plate. After a few seconds he takes the plate and steps aside to let me in.
I go to sit at the dining table while hearing the door close behind me.

"So Professor, what should we do today?"

"We?" He pauses after he put his plate down on the table across from me.

"Yeah. Since we're spending Christmas together, we should do something fun."

"Fun is not in my vocabulary Ms. (L/n)."

"Well now it is. So, what do you want to do?" I ask again. He sighs just as he sat in his chair.

"What do you suggest?"

"Glad you asked!" I say a bit too loud. When he sees the happy emotion on my face, he knew it was going to be a long day.
"So, we should get some string lights for your room and a few extra decorations for new years to make it look like you care, then after that we can look at all the beautiful decorations in Hogsmeade, and after that I'm going to be making dinner for the both of us. After dinner, I'll be giving you your Christmas present. Sound good?"

Snape almost choked on his food when I mentioned a Christmas present.

"Yeah. Just for you." I stand up from my chair and look around for his restroom. Looks like it's in his bedroom.
"May I use your restroom?" I ask politely. Still with a puzzled face, he nods his head yes. I don't think he ever recieved a gift from someone before but hopefully he'll like what I got him.

After using the restroom, I wash my hands with the scented soap that smells so good. Before I could exit the restroom, a small hint of cologne that I somewhat recognize entered my nose. So without trying to make any noise, I open his cabinet to search for the familiar smell. Then I found it. A light blue square glass container filled with clear liquid.
It's the same exact cologne my dad uses on special occasions.
They're hard to find so I'm wondering where they bought them.

I quickly put the cologne back in it's place before exiting the restroom.
"So, ready for the day?"

"Do I have a choice?"

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