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A couple months have gone by and so far everything has been going great. Today is a Friday and I can't wait until the day is over.

"Ms. (L/n), would you like to tell the class about celestial mechanics?" Sinistra turns to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Celestial mechanics are just basically planets, stars, asteroids, etc., that move around. Many astronomers keep a close eye on the motions to see if there are any changes and it can also help them track comets from far away." I sometimes feel like a nerd.

Just as I finish my sentence, a 5th year student named George Fild raises his hand up like if his life depended on it.

"Yes George?" I ask.

"So, do they just stare at a single planet for hours or do they just draw what they saw?" He asks in a funny way that makes the whole classroom giggle, including myself and Sinistra.

"No, they don't draw anymore. Now many astronomers use a graph to monitor any changes. They use a computer to track data and store it in a file that can be helpful later in the future. A telescope and a computer is all you need for exact calculations." I answer with a growing smile. Just as I was about to pass the attention to Professor Sinistra, a student named Cassie Noll raises her hand.

"Yes Ms. Noll?" I stand a bit closer to her since she's the quiet one in class.

"What do they record?" She asks quietly.

"Astronomers record anything they can find. Radiation, organisms, light, and much more. Sometimes they even look for a planet that is suitable for living organisms. Cool right?"

"Will you be looking for a planet?" A random student shouts from the back of the classroom. I let out a soft laugh before answering the question.

"I may or may not but maybe one day someone from this class will have the opportunity to make a discovery. Who knows right?" I shrug my shoulders and pass the attention to Professor Sinistra.

I take a breath to calm my excitement about teaching the kids new things they never heard of. It feels like a privilege to me. Just seeing their faces light up when they hear a fun fact or something they're interested in makes my day better.

"Class is dismissed everyone. I will see you all next week." Professor Sinistra announces. I wave goodbye to the students until the last one leaves the room. I close the door and sit down in my chair to relax for a moment.

"You are becoming a favorite to the students Ms. (L/n)." Professor Sinistra sits at her desk with a stack of assignments from last class in her hands, checking if she has all of them.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask shyly. She quietly laughs as she puts the stack of assignments in a neat pile on her desk.

"Of course not. It makes their learning skills better."

"Oh. Well I'm glad to hear that. Anyways, I should head to dinner. Do you need anything before I leave?"

"Nothing for today. You may go." She says with a smile. I wave goodbye as I leave the classroom with much love in my heart from the students. I definitely shouldn't get too attached to the students if I'm going to leave Hogwarts.

"Ms. (L/n). I'm not bothering you am I?" Lupin barely walks out of his classroom and locks the door behind him.

"Not at all Professor. Did you need something?" I go over to where he's standing. I watch as he pulls out a small empty vial from the pocket of his jacket.

"I promised Tonks to take her out to dinner tonight and I need to leave within the next few minutes. Would you give this to Professor Snape for me?" He extends his arm out to me with the vial in his hand. I hesitate for 2 seconds but grab it to not let him think there's something wrong. I've been trying to avoid Snape for the past couple months and it's been great, until now.

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