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A week has passed since new years took place. Students started returning from home with tired eyes. I hope they all had a great Christmas and new years. I know I did.

"Professor Lupin, welcome back. How was your break?" I ask as he enters his classroom.

"It was better than I hoped. Also, Tonks did say she will visit soon. She is desperate to see you again." He says while unlocking the door. I haven't seen Tonks since the war ended. It will be nice to her again.

"I'll be waiting then. Are you coming to breakfast?" I ask.

"Yes, just need to drop these off and we will be on our way. How was your break by the way?"

"It was okay. Though it felt a bit lonely at first."

"First? Anyone accompany you throughout the break?" He closes the door and holds out his arm to walk me down towards the great hall.

"Actually, Professor Snape was here too. We made good progress in talking to each other." I would tell him about what happened on new years but maybe I should wait.

"That's good news. Anything else happen?"

"Not that I remember but I'll let you know when I do." I say as we enter the great hall. I let go of Lupin's arm to let him get to his seat. When I sit at my seat, I see Professor Snape enter the great hall not too long after I did.
"Excited to teach students again?" I whisper.

"No." His immediate answer made a small smile appear on my lips.

"Why not? They're not that bad." I tease. He gives me the side eye, which I always try to avoid but this time I like to mess with him. When we see a student look at the Professor's table, I immediately hide my smile and act like I'm having an awkward conversations with Snape. He doesn't want to spread any news since it could cause lots of rumours. I agree with Snape but it'll mean I have to cover up the good and fun times with a straight face whenever a student passes by the hallways.

On the other hand, Snape and I have been talking a lot more throughout the evenings and it's amazing how open he is about several topics from when he was younger. Never thought I would get to hear his past until now. Makes me feel guilty for having loving parents.

"So no siblings?" I ask while sitting on his couch next to him.

"No." He answers before taking a sip of his firewhiskey drink.

"I don't have siblings either. It's just me." I let out a sigh as I lean back on the couch.
"Though sometimes I wanted a little brother or sister to take care of."

"Ask your parents." He mutters while taking another sip.

"How much have you had to drink today?" I ask as soon as I saw a smirk on his lips. I get up from the couch and take away his drink.
"This will be going down the drain." I walk to the kitchen sink to pour the rest of his drink but before I could, he grabbed my wrist to turn me around until I'm facing him. I don't even know how he got to where I am but that was fast.

"Would you like to have some?" He asks as he takes back the drink from my hand. He puts it in front of my mouth but I turn away from it.

"Absolutely not. I learned my lesson." A quiet laugh escaped my lips when he tried to make me smell it again.

"You can learn your lesson another time." He says before drinking the rest in one go like a shot. As soon as he swallows the last drop, he puts the glass cup in the sink and pulls me closer. I felt his arm on my lower back while his other hand was cupping my chin.

"No! Not agai-" I was cut off with a kiss that made me taste the firewhiskey mixed with the peppermint he had earlier. I couldn't help myself but giggle in the middle of it. I hate when I taste the firewhiskey, though I can't blame him for his amazing kisses.
But then I immediately pull back when the kiss began to get intense. Especially with his tongue.
"You keep making me taste it." I giggle as I push him away.

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