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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

A week has gone by and so far I have no plan on how to stop Chris. Sometimes I would go in my room and prepare everything I need for the upcoming school year to get my mind off him for a while. I had to get my mom to ask my dad if I'm able to be a Professor. Even if he said no, I'll probably jump out the window and leave.
Thankfully he said yes but as long as I don't do any type of drugs. Why would I want to smell like a crackhead?

"Okay, so the particles in the universe can make... everything? Wait no. The particles in the universe emit source from... from... particles." That did not make sense.
"God damnit!" I throw the book on the floor and lay down on my back with my hands covering my face.

I suddenly hear the door open and see my mom enter with some brownies. I'm not into drugs but I wish they were pot brownies right now.
"Something tells me you're a bit stressed about this topic." She laughs while putting the plate on my nightstand.

"Why did I even say yes to this? Astrophysics is not the same as Astronomy. I mean... sort of but I need a whole year to prepare these things. I only have one topic down for the school year. It's harder than I thought."

"What topic are you on?"

"Astropartical Physics."

"Aren't you teaching Astrophysics? The two may be similar but they're not the same." She says while sitting next to me.

"How did you know that?" I ask curiously as I sit up straight.

"Your grandpa showed me a few things when I was younger as well. Not as much as you but he did say some pretty interesting stuff that can last a lifetime in your head."

"Oh. Well I'm only wanting to learn more about Astropartical physics so I can see if there's a comparison. Astrophysics is studying the physics of how the universe works and Astropartical physics is... um,"

"The study of the process from the particles the universe gives. Just like light. Particles emit light, causing nebulas, stars, planets, and galaxies to shine."

"Particles are the key element. That's it. It's not only studying the process from one single particle. It's also studying how the particles work with each other. That's why scientists can't replicate it. They can't replicate natural light."


"Because particles are high energy. The only way to get that same high energy is if you build an open lab in space. It can't be done on earth. It's impossible. I mean even space has a hard time producing high energy. Why do we think humans can do it?"

"And that, is why I'm proud to be your mother." She gives me a big hug and kisses my temple many times.

"Okay okay. That's enough." I sort of push her off of me but she kept her arms around me until she's satisfied with the hug.
"Thanks for helping me."

"Anytime." She kisses my cheek and heads out into the hallway. Now I need her help on a hundred more topics.

After studying so hard all afternoon, I decided to go to Severus's place for a bit. My parents are out to dinner at a nice place and invited me but I told them I needed more time to study. They won't be back for 2 hours at least.

"Severus?" I lift my head up to look at him clearly.

"Hm?" His eyes are glued on the book in his hand.

"Sometimes I worry about us, alot."

"How so?" He closes the book and puts it down on the edge of the couch.

"What if we can't get rid of Chris? What if he wins and I lose you?"

"You won't lose me." He kisses the top of my head and pulls me in closer with his arm.

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