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A/N: Sexual content coming in chapter 22. I'll post chapters 21 and 22 before the end of next week. I know you smut lovers are impatient... so am I👀. Anyways, back to the story my lovely readers!

Reading the letter got me feeling mixed emotions at this point. I'm happy I got accepted but I don't want to leave since Severus is here at Hogwarts. I won't see him anymore if I choose to go. Even though we only started being together for a little while, I just feel like he's the one for me. No one else makes me feel special like he does. There's just something about him that makes me want to forget about AODS. But then again, my dream of being an astronomer at AODS will come true if I accept.

I have to think hard about it. Otherwise, it'll be too late. So for now I'll go back to class and hope I make the right decision. Especially for my grandpa.

Spring break finally came around. Thankfully I don't have to pack my things since I'll only be gone for a day.
With time to spare before I leave, I quickly rush towards the dungeons so I can see Severus.
I knock on his classroom door and wait for it to open.

Severus opens the door and allows me inside. When I see no one in his class and hear the door close, I wrap my arms around his neck and tip toe so I can give him a kiss. He chuckles and leans in until our lips meet. It wasn't long until I had to pull back when he starts to make it intense again. He always does that and I'm curious as to what it will lead to. Maybe something I shouldn't do yet.

"I'm only going to be gone for a day. Calm down." I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I know." He says quietly. When I looked up at him, he begins to caress my cheek with the back of his hand. The way he looks at me was something I've always wanted. He looks at me with those loving eyes as he scans my face, admiring everything.

"What?" I ask with a smile when he wouldn't stop looking at me. He opens his mouth to say something but decides not to.
"What's wrong?" I turn his head towards me when he looked away.
"Severus what's wrong?"

He caresses my cheek with his thumb before giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"I need you safe." He says quietly.

"I will be. I promise, okay?" I give him a gentle kiss and hug him again. I knew he wasn't talking about my trip back home. He was talking about people finding out about us and harming me along the way. He just doesn't want to say anything but I wish he did.
"I'll be back as soon as I can. Okay?" I pull back from the hug and kiss his cheek once more.
"See you soon." I had to force myself out of his arms when he held me tight. It was like he was afraid something bad might happen to me. Like someone out there knows we're together and is willing to harm me.

And I have a feeling he knows who it is. We both do.

Soon I make it to the front doors in no time and see Lupin helping a student fix his tie. Adorable.

"Good morning you two." I say as I approach them. The student waved back at me with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning Ms. (L/n). Are you happy to see your parents again?" Lupin asks just as he finished fixing the student's tie.

"Thanks Professor!" He shouts and heads off running down the hall. I would tell him no running in the hallways but I'll let someone else do it.

"I am. I'll be back by tomorrow morning or afternoon. I'll see what happens."

"Would you like me to accompany you?" He asks.

"I'm good Professor. Thanks for offering. I must be going now. I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a quick hug and head off to the door.
When I make it to the gates, I start thinking if I should've brought Severus with me. That way I can introduce him to my parents.

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