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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

The next couple days I have been visiting Severus so he could help me get some ideas on how to get student's attention or plan any discipline if they get into trouble.

"Okay Severus that is not happening. I will not torture children." I say for the second time.

"Then I don't see why you wanted to become a Professor if there is no discipline." He responds as he kept writing down agendas. He's been doing that for the past times I've came here. I've been trying to get his attention to touch me but all he ever does is work.

"Excuse me but at least I have some decency. I will not lock them in a closet by themselves to skip dinner. That is child cruelty."

"It's called animal abuse." He mutters.

"Severus you are something else, you know that? Just because you call it animal abuse does not mean there's no children involved."

"No. The word children is not involved. Therefore no one knows there's actual children." He tries to hide that grin but I could clearly see it.

"You are unbelievable." I roll my eyes and head over towards the kitchen. I ate almost an hour ago but it didn't satisfy me enough. I want a snack, or maybe a meal. The thing is, I'm hungry.

I open the cabinet next to the fridge and see uncooked pasta.
"Piccata sounds good." I mutter under my breath when I see pasta piccata labeled on one of the boxes.
"Hm... lemon chicken piccata. Sounds delicious." I have decided what to make for the both of us. I remember the dish name clearly because it was the first thing my mom taught me how to cook when I was younger.

"What are you doing?" Severus asks as he stood behind me.

"I'm making us food. I'm hungry."


"Excuse me? You do not ask a woman if they are hungry again. You try being a woman with hundreds of hormones. So until then... shut up." I say while getting the box of pasta. Severus begins to chuckle and wrap his arms around me.

"Do I owe you an apology?" He mutters against my head.

"Hm... you probably do." I turn around so I can rest my arms on his shoulders.
"It doesn't have to be verbal." I say as a hint.

"I know." He gently grabs my chin as he leans in closer until our lips meet. I start unbuttoning his robe but he stopped me.
"It's only about you." He mutters against my lips. He grabs my hand leads me to his desk. Once he cleared everything with his wand, he begins taking off my clothes. The last piece of clothing was my bra and after that came off, I got goosebumps from how cold it got. Never realized how cold it can be in his house. Maybe he's gotten used to the dungeons temperature.

Suddenly I get lifted up onto his desk until I'm laying on my back. He pulls up a chair behind him so he can sit as he spread my legs.
"Looks like dessert will have to come first." He says before kissing my inner thighs. I rest my feet on the arm rests as he slowly trails up to my heat.

Severus held my legs apart as he leaves a trail of kisses on my inner thighs until finally diving in. I let out a soft moan when I finally have his warm lips on my heat. I've been wanting this ever since the night Chris was finally out of our lives.

I soon relax my muscles as I enjoy this feeling. It makes it a hundreds times better.
I gently place both my hands on his head as he's still pleasuring me. I tend to moan his name when he flicked his tongue on my clit. He does it several times until finally using light suction again. He takes his time with me and it makes it better. I let out soft moans here and there while trying to raise my hips so he could give me more.

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