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The sound of a loud bang from my bookshelf woke me up from a dream. A very realistic dream that I'm glad never happened. I look down to see what it was but it's just a book that fell off the bookshelf.
I look at the time and realize it's almost breakfast. I need to get ready. When I put on my flats, I hear a lot of talking outside. It's always quiet outside of my room in the mornings but today there was a lot of distant talking from the students. My first thought was a possible fight going on but then I remember the dance is today. Students are excited about it.

As soon as I walk out of my room, students began to walk everywhere while talking to their friends and dates on where to meet. I'm trying to hear any conversations that could possibly lead to sneaking out. It is against the rules to sneak out so I better keep my ears open.

When I reach the great hall, students began to enter in groups of 5 or more. Today will be a long day for all the Professors that are in charge of the dance.

"You don't think students will be upset if we postpone the dance do you?" Lupin appears behind me with a mischievous look.

"That is not happening Professor." I say with a small laugh.
"Let these students enjoy it. Besides, who knows if there will be another one next year."

"You're right. We can postpone that one instead." He smiles and continues towards his seat. I shake my head at his comment and sit at my seat. I quickly serve myself a slice of bacon with a bit of scrambled eggs. Don't want to gain weight in a dress that I already bought.

As soon as I see Professor Snape approach his seat, the dream suddenly came flooding back to me. I try not to think about it but just feeling his presence here is not helping me at all. I need to remind myself why I'm still mad at him but the dream has taken over my mind.

Even though I'm glad it never happened, I somewhat wish it did. In my dream, he kissed me. I wasn't sure where we were but all I know is that I liked it.
I stay in my seat almost paralyzed from thinking about Snape kissing me in my dream.

'He gently wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me against his body as I felt his index finger lift my chin up so I could look him in the eyes. The way he looked at me was something I've always wanted from someone. Like if he really...loved me. And just like that, he leaned in closer until his lips touched mine. I felt all sorts of emotions going through my body. Not only did I like it, I loved it. Every second of that moment felt real.'

I snap out of my thoughts when I heard Lupin call my name. I quickly get up from my seat to follow him out. When I took one more secret look at Professor Snape, I could have sworn I saw a smirk.
It might have been my imagination.

"Did you need something?"

"Aurora and I had a little argument on what type of lights we should have. Do you prefer candles or chandeliers?" He looks over at Sinistra to make sure she's not looking.

"...you pulled me to the side to ask me that question?"

"Yes." He says with no hesitation.

"Am I going to get in trouble if I choose the wrong one?" I ask.

"Only if you don't choose mine." He says with a smile that could make me blush in a second.

"Fine. Then I choose chandeliers." I hold my breath when he stayed quiet. Did I choose the wrong one?

"Now that's more like it. Thank you my dear." He grabs my hand to kiss my knuckles. Guess I did choose the right one.

"Don't tell her I chose chandeliers." I quickly add before he leaves. I would go back to the great hall too but Snape just makes me feel emotionally confused. Should I be mad? Should I keep having feelings for him? Should I be mad that I have feelings for him?

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