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Ever since Amelia told me about her bully in class, I tend to keep an eye on her at the hufflepuff table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As of now everything seems to be okay with Amelia. I could see her eating breakfast with a few of her friends.

When breakfast is over, I stand up from my chair to leave but I heard my name get called on.
"Ms. (L/n). May I have a word with you please?" Minerva walks over to me with a smile on her face.
"Would you like to join us for dinner tomorrow evening?"


"The staff of course. We have one every year. It's your choice if you would like to participate or not."

"I will think about it. Thank you." I say quietly. When she leaves, I begin to walk back towards the Astronomy class as quickly as possible before students arrive.

A few students roam the hallways with ease but Minerva is always there to lead them to class.

When I arrive to Astronomy, I sit at my desk and take out one of my books for today's lesson. Hopefully it'll run smoothly.

Classes have gone pretty good so far, especially with the 1st years. They seem to be more interested than ever with interesting facts. I'm glad I could help with that.

"Ms. (L/n). Can you take this to Professor Lupin for me?" She hands me a stack of papers with a red stamp on the first page that says Approved.

"No problem. Anything else you need before I head out?"

"That is all. Have a good rest of your day." She sits back down in her chair to finish up some work.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." I say just as I exit through the door. I see students walking and talking to each other about homework, other students, and boys. I overhear a conversation from these 2 girls talking about a boy in Slytherin. I quietly giggle under my breath when I overheard them say he looks cute with short black hair.

"Professor Lupin?" I knock on his classroom door until it finally opens. I'm about to drop this stack of papers and I'm pretty sure I'll be too lazy to pick them up.

"Ms. (L/n). Very good to see you. Please come in." He stands aside to let me in. I place the stack on his desk just before it slipped out of my hands.
"Thank you for bringing those."

"Not a problem. I'll be on my way if you don't need anything from me."

"How is it going with Professor Snape?" He asks when I take a step towards the door. My breath hitched when I heard that question. He doesn't know about my crush on him, right?

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about." I say with a nervous smile.

"I think you do. I see the way you look at him Ms. (L/n). It's no secret. To me of course." He walks closer with his hands in his pockets.

"Of course it's not." I sigh as I sit down in one of the desks. He notices my smile slowly disappearing.

"Is there something wrong?" He leans back against the chair that's across from the desk where I'm sitting.

"It's complicated. I just have a feeling that I can't fall for him." I bury my face in between my arms just as I'm about to give up on my love life so quickly.
"I don't really know him."

"What do you like about him?" He walks back and forth trying to figure out how to help me with this situation. I lift my head up to rest it on my hand and draw little circles on the desk with my finger.

What do I like about him?

"I like his eyes during concentration. The way he concentrates so hard on brewing a particular potion to show his students is amazing. Another thing is his focus on things. It's something a person could ever want. He focuses on one person and never takes his eyes off of them. And when he looked at me the other day, time stood still like nothing else mattered. It was just the two of us against everything else. And whenever he gets near me, my heart starts racing like crazy, but a warm feeling washes over me to calm my breathing at the same time. He makes me feel all kinds of different things." I melt onto the desk when the thought of him holding me in his arms came into mind.
"But in the end, I'm just another person wanting to feel loved by the one who doesn't even like me back. I'm only waiting for the impossible to happen."

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