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A/N: Just two chapters left my lovely readers. This book was my favorite story to write for you all. Thank you for reading!❤

⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

"I'll be back to visit you, okay?" I hug my mom for the longest time just before I could walk out the door with my suitcase in hand. School starts tomorrow morning and I'm nervous about being the new Professor. I don't know how many students will be in my class. I could barely keep up with being Sinistra's assistant but now I'll have to manage it on my own.

"Please be safe. Take care of yourself. And please take your vitamins. You need to-"

"To keep the baby healthy. I know mom. You told me that everyday for the past month. I'll be fine."

"I'm just worried, and excited for you. If you feel any pain or feel too much pressure, come straight home. I can help you. Or, maybe I can go with you. I can live with you."

"Mom. Calm down. I'm going to be okay. I have other Professors who will be able to help me. But I promise to let you know if it's a boy or a girl and when I'm about to go into labor. I'll write letters to you every week, okay?"

"Alright. Just be careful sweetheart. I love you so much." She kisses my cheek several times. I appreciate her concern for me. I find it cute.

"I love you too mom. Please be safe as well. Let me know if there anything bothering you. And drink plenty of orange juice and water. You need strength, okay?"

"I will. Take care of yourself." She caresses the side of my face and hugs me once more.
"Be safe." She whispers close to my ear. As soon as she let go of me, I grab my dad's arm so he can apparate us back to Hogwarts.

"Ready?" He asks. I grab my suitcase with a strong grip and nod my head yes. He grabs his wand and apparates us back to the school. The second we made it to Hogwarts, I lean over the grass to puke my guts out.

"Sorry." I say quietly as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. My dad takes out a small handkerchief and hands it to me. I take it and clean myself off.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asks as he sees the school.

"Yes I'm sure. I have worked hard to be here."

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to come back home."

"I promise to come home if anything happens, okay?" I give him a hug and he does the same.

"And if he ever hurts you, let me know. I'll be here in a blink of an eye. Understand?" He whispers.

"I will definitely let you know. That's a promise."

"Good. Take care of yourself." He kisses my forehead before finally letting me go.

"I'll see you soon and please take care of mom. Make sure she's safe."

"I will. Now go on, before I change my mind and take you back home." He says in a serious tone. I roll my eyes and hug him once more before leaving.

"Love you!" I shout as I go through the gates.

"I know." He says before apparating back home, leaving me on my own like last year.
I smell the beautiful scent that comes from the rain and mud. I love it. It reminds me of when I first started attending here.

"Ms. (L/n). Welcome back." Lupin appears behind me with a smile on his face.

"Lupin!" I wrap my arms around him to hold him tight.
"I missed you so much."

"I'm too hard to forget, apologies." He teases.
"How have you and Severus been doing so far?"

"Actually Lupin, I wanted to ask you something." I say with the biggest smile on my face. He looked confused for a second.
"How would you like to be the godfather?"

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