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"Professor?" I knock on his classroom door several times until he answers. When he finally opened it, he looks around for a moment before pulling me inside by the arm and closing the door behind us.
I smile when he wrapped his arms around me.
"Well I missed you too. Though it's only been 24 hours." I say when he pulls back.

"Too long." He says before pressing his lips on mine. I definitely miss his kisses. He pulls back to kiss my forehead and hugs me once again. I love his gestures.

"I'm really sorry but I have work to do. I have to go back to my room." I smile when he rolled his eyes at the word 'work'.
"May I sleep here tonight?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You already know the answer." He leans in until our lips meet.

"Then I'll be back tonight." I give him one more kiss before pulling back from his arms.
"See you soon." I say as I exit his quarters.

In the hallway, I see Lupin about to enter his classroom.
"Professor Lupin!" I shout to grab his attention.

"(Y/n), welcome back. How was your visit back home?" He asks with a smile.

"It was great. Seeing them again was something I needed for a while. Though it wasn't the same since my grandpa wasn't there."

"I'm still sorry for your loss. Some things won't be the same but always remember that he is always going to be with you. It's all that matters, alright?" He takes my hand to squeeze it tight.

"Okay." I whisper before giving him a hug.

"If you need anything or anyone to talk to, you know where to find me. I'm always here for you." He says quietly.

"I know you are. I appreciate everything that you do for me." I pull back from the hug and take a deep breath to compose myself.
"I have to go work now. I'll see you around."

"Have a nice day." He says before heading into his classroom. I want to tell Lupin my relationship with Severus, the threat Chris made, the safety of my parents and the safety of Severus but there is only so much I can say. I need Lupin's help about this whole Chris thing but I'm scared to say anything. I don't want him to get hurt either.

But I have a feeling Chris knows how to make that happen to bring me down.

About 3 weeks go by without telling anyone about Chris. I'm sometimes worried Severus might ask me out of random on how I got the stab wound in the first place. If he ever asks, then I'll have to make up a realistic story that doesn't involve Chris.

But that's not the worst thing on my mind.
Ever since I came back from visiting my parents, I've been having these nightmares that have Chris in them. They've been constantly changing but Chris is in every single one.

The only nightmare that I can remember at the moment was Chris holding a knife while pointing at someone.
I know dreams may not be real but it looked real. It scared me.

"May I sleep with you tonight?" I ask quietly while having dinner at the great hall. Severus just nods and acts like we're having a conversation of some sort.
"Good. I'll see you tonight." I take my last bite and head over to my room to finish up any notes I have left.
The main reason why I want to see him tonight is because of his birthday. I was so busy since the beginning of the year that I didn't have time to get him anything or celebrate his birthday on time. His birthday was January 9th and we're in late March. So it's a huge missed gap and I feel bad.

Luckily Lupin and I went down to Hogsmeade to grab a few things yesterday. So I had time to get him something while over there. I guess I'll combine his late birthday with late valentines too.

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