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After telling Lupin everything, I felt so relieved that a huge weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders. Though I'm still scared about Chris suddenly showing up. I still can't trust his word about him leaving me alone.

"Can I sleep here tonight? I don't want to go back to my room." I quietly ask. Lupin nods and squeezes my hand.

"Of course. You have gone through enough. You can take the bed."

"Oh no please. I can stay on the couch. I don't want to be a bother and take the bed away from you."

"You are not taking anything away. You may have the bed." Lupin stood up and pulled me along with him towards the bedroom. I like it in here.
"The bathroom is on your right. If you need anything else, I am right outside this door."

"Thank you." I well up in tears when I remembered Severus holding me tight in his arms while caressing my back. The way he made me feel was nothing I've ever experienced before.

Lupin notices my tears and instantly pulls me in for a hug to let me silently sob into his shoulder.
"Everything will be okay." Lupin kisses my temple when I composed myself as much as I can.
"You need some sleep. The nightmares will no longer be a bother."

"I hope so." I let go of Lupin and take in a deep breath to calm myself down a bit more.
"I'll see you in the morning." I say as I enter the bathroom to change. Once I'm in my comfortable night clothes, I get on the bed and cover myself with the blanket, crying myself to sleep.

The next morning I wake up from a normal weird dream about my childhood and my grandpa. I'm no longer having those nightmares.

"Ms. (L/n). Are you awake?" Lupin knocks on the door the moment I stood up from the bed. I quickly open it and see him holding a plate of breakfast. Two english muffins with swiss cheese, bacon and a side of hash browns. The smell hit my nose and it made my stomach growl.
"I made you some breakfast."

"You didn't have to do that Lupin." I try to clean my cheeks the best I can but I need a shower to do that.

"If I didn't, you would not have eaten anything. Please, have something to eat." Lupin hands me the tray and walks away towards the kitchen again. I was about to eat in his bedroom but I figured I could eat with him at the dining table.
So I go ahead and walk towards the dining table where he has his cup of coffee waiting for him.
"Can I sit with you?" I ask while putting the plate down.

"You don't need to ask Ms. (L/n). You are more than welcome to do so." Lupin replies as he puts his plate down as well.
The moment he looked at me for more than a few seconds, I had a feeling I looked like a mess. Messy hair, stained cheeks, tired eyes, and I'm still in my pajamas.

When he looked away, I picked up the fork and began eating my breakfast. Tears began rolling down my cheeks when the taste reminded me of when Severus used to make me breakfast everytime we decide to stay in. I let out a couple small whimpers when I try to get rid of the sniffles.

It got worse when I remembered what Severus said last night.
I drop my fork on the plate and hid my face in my hands. I sobbed uncontrollably.

Lupin quickly got up from his seat to be by my side. He helped me stand up so he could hug me. I grip his shirt when I felt different emotions going through my mind. I'm sad, angry, tired, and confused.

Sad from not being with Severus anymore.

Angry at Chris for not moving on with his stupid life and deciding to ruin mine.

Tired from keeping up with all the lies and secrets I kept from Severus and Lupin.

And lastly I'm confused. Confused on why Severus treated me the way he did before telling me that I was a mistake.

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