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⚠️ Sexual Content ⚠️

A couple weeks have gone by and so far, I still have those feelings for Severus but it's a small flame instead of a big one. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? I don't know what it is but it's disappearing.

After getting ready from a long warm shower, I head downstairs and see my parents talking to each other in the living room. My mom is sitting on my dad's lap while having a smile on her face. I slowly creep down the stairs with ease trying not to make too much noise. Obviously they can see me but if they're staring at each others googly eyes then I'm safe. That's when I heard something I didn't want to hear at all.

"We barely got up from bed. We're not doing that." She whispers.

"Why not? I'll make it feel like it's your first time."

"I'm up! I am up!" I shout before they said anything else. That will scar me for the rest of my life. I don't want those images of my own parents in my head.
"Oh god you guys are going drive me insane. Next time lower your voices."

"Next time cover your ears." My dad mutters before giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen. At least they have each other while I'm here alone and single for the rest of my life.

As the day goes by I kept on reading books in the living room since I'm still scared to go anywhere else alone. Even if it's a yard away from my house.
"Did you want some dinner?" My mom asks as she walks in the living room.

"Yeah sure. I'll be there in a bit." I put the book away in a rush since I'm starving. It smells so good in the house.

When I reach the dining room, I saw the grilled steak with asparagus on the table. It was the same way Severus cooked it. I remember that specific day.
It was... a special one I guess.

"Are you going to sit?" My dad asks as he reaches the table as well. I erase those memories in my head and concentrate on dinner. We serve ourselves some food and begin eating but I kept remembering that day with Severus. Just remembering how his hands held my legs apart and how he worked that tongue against my core made me slightly shift in my seat. Am I horny?

"Something wrong?" He asks the moment I shift in my seat and got goosebumps. I clear my throat and drink some water until my eyes landed on my mom. She looked at me like as if she knew what was happening.

"Mm-hm." I swallow the water and continue eating. I need to erase those images from my head, fast.

"You must really like the food. Sometimes we can't help ourselves but feel the need to... express it." My mom secretly winks at me. She definitely knows.

"Yup. It's delicious." This is embarrassing. I'm just glad my dad doesn't know.

During the rest of the dinner, we mostly talk about several topics to get things off my mind. My mom came up with a few to help me. It did work.
"I can take your plates if you want." I offer since we're all done with the food. They hand me their plates and continue on with their conversations. I head into the kitchen to wash some dishes but as I'm doing so, I can't help but feel like someone is watching me. I look at the kitchen window and see nothing there. That feeling of being watched is stuck with me for who knows how long but I hate it.

After washing the plates, I decide to just go in my room and look out the window or something. Everytime I do that, it somehow relieves the fear of being watched for a few minutes. After those few minutes pass, I have to look again just to make sure.

"Okay I'm going to head upstairs. I'll be in my room if you need me." I rush past them and head upstairs. I change into some comfortable pajamas as if it was winter. Light gray sweats and a white tank top felt nice.

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