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Waking up in one of the most comfortable beds of all time must be a pain. Not because of the bed itself, but because I have to get up. I want to stay here forever.
"Work is calling I guess." I dramatically sigh as I get out of bed with lazy arms and legs. I don't feel like doing anything today.

But the day must go on.

I look at the time and notice that I have half an hour before breakfast begins. I need to hurry. I quickly gather up my clothes and head into the bathroom for a shower. Staying in the warm shower is the best feeling but not today. Not on the first day of school. It sucks.

It's refreshing after showering since it wakes me up but the nerves are still in my veins. Wish there was something for that.

With my body completely dry, I begin to dress up in my formal outfit. Just another black skirt below the knees, small black leather heels, and this time I'll wear a dark blue button down blouse with one unbuttoned hole to have a v-shaped neck. Mature and professional, hopefully.

"Ms. (L/n)?" Professor Lupin calls out from the other side of the door.

"I'll be right there Professor." I say as I grab my bag with a few books in case I need help with the subjects. Glad I brought a notebook for some useful notes on teaching.
I tidy up my hair and take in a breathe just as I place my hand on the doorknob.

I open the door and see a happy expression on Professor Lupin's face. His smiles comfort me.

"Goodmorning. Are you ready for the day?" He holds out his arm for me to take. I wrap my arm around his so he can lead me back to the great hall. I had to look back twice to make sure I closed my door. I know no one will break into my room but I just need to take precautions.

"I had a good night's rest last night and I'm ready for my first day as an Astronomy assistant." I say with some swirling emotions going on in my stomach and chest. I have to look confident but in reality I feel like throwing up.

"That's good. Professor Sinistra is a very warmhearted person. You will adjust to your surroundings in classes before you know it." He says nicely. His comments towards my confidence is really helping me relax.
As we both arrive to the great hall, we see the Headmistress walk towards us.

"Ms. (L/n). I do hope your first night here was not a disaster." Minerva says quietly. I smile at her comment, imagining students interrupting my sleep.

"Of course not Headmistress. I really do love what you've done with the room. Makes me feel right at home."

"Wonderful! Now, let's get you seated. Follow me dear." Minerva leads me to the other side of the table so I can sit next to Professor Sinistra.

"Professor Lupin. Please, have a seat next to me." I say as I tap on the chair handle next to me. He gladly accepts and takes a seat, just wanting to eat already.

I take in a deep breath to say Hello to Professor Sinistra but she beats me to it. Not in a way I was expecting.

"Ms. (L/n). I am not trying to scare you, but now that I have you as an assistant, I will need a lot more stuff done from your expertise on grading essays later on. I will also hand you all the subjects we will teach for the semester to have you prepared." Professor Sinistra hands me a piece of parchment paper that has a long list of subjects and topics, along with a few notes beside each one.

'You have got to be kidding me.'

"You must study every single one in case I am not in the classroom for the day. I expect the most out of your knowledge Ms. (L/n). Please, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have." She says with a smile. Just looking at the paper with so many letters scribbled on it makes my hand sweat. I can't hold the paper with sweaty hands. It will stain the ink and I won't be able to see or know which topic we're on.
In this case, I fold it twice and place it in my bag next to me. I need to keep this long list wherever I go. I can not lose it.

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