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Ever since I smelled the Amortentia, my mind has been going in circles on why it chose Professor Snape. Well, I guess I chose him but I don't see him liking me back. I do want to get to know him but he just irritated me a couple times since the beginning of this school year. I want to be nice to him but he finds a way to piss me off.

"Ms. (L/n). You've hardly eaten anything. Are you feeling sick?" Lupin holds my hand then presses the back of his hand against my arm to check if I have a fever.

"No Professor I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I slightly giggle when he presses his hand on my neck. I'm very ticklish.

"Drink some orange juice. You look a little pale." He hands me his orange juice which I really appreciate.

"Thank you." I take a quick sip of it but it turns to be a big one. I haven't had orange juice in a long time.

"I'm sure Professor Snape can give you something." He says as he begins to stand up.
My eyes widen as I choke on some orange juice, making students look up at my direction with a weird expression.

"Ms. (L/n)! Are you alright!?" Sinistra starts to pat my back while I'm basically coughing my dry lungs out.

"Yeah, I'm...okay." I clear my throat the best I can before standing up from my seat.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Lupin places his hand on my shoulder just as I was about to walk away.

"I just need some fresh air. That's all." I assure him everything is okay. With a satisfied smile, Lupin nods his head to let me through. I really want to tell Lupin but what if he makes fun of me? Or what if he tells everyone? Especially Snape.

So much is going on through my mind and I wish I could get rid of it.
When I walk down the hallway I exit through the doors that lead to the south side of the building, getting a perfect view of the black lake from up here. When I sit down on the edge of the building, I lean back until I'm leaning against the cold wall. It feels so nice with the light breeze flowing through my clothes and hair. Wish I could stay here all day. Thankfully it's a Saturday, so maybe I can.

As I'm leaning against the wall, I tend to think about the situation again. This time from a different perspective. My question is why am I avoiding this? If I see Professor Snape as smart, handsome, tall, and mysterious, then I should give it a chance, right?

Then the one thing popped into my mind the more I thought about it. The one thing that's stopping me from trying.
"My dad." I cover my face and let out a groan of frustration.

Snape was a deatheater in the past and if my dad sees him, he'll probably turn him away without a second thought. Why can't I have one guy in my life?

"Young and already stressed."

I uncover my face to see Professor Snape in front of me.

"Professor." I immediately stand up straight and fix my clothes.
"I didn't see you there."

"With your hands covering your face, I doubt you ever would." He says. I clear my throat and imagine I didn't just say that.
"Lupin suggested I give you this." He pulls out a vial from his sleeve and extends his arm towards me. I look at the potion then back at him.

I grab the vial from his hand to take a closer look. It's purple.

"Drink it." He demands. I pop open the cap to smell it first. It has no smell at all. My eyes go from the potion to his eyes again.
"If you wish to be poisoned I suggest you go elsewhere. Now drink it."

I get a bit scared from his tone so I quickly chug down the whole thing. It was disgusting.

"What was that?" I ask after wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

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