Chapter 10: Tournament Time

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After the lunch break, it was time to announce the final round. All of the students gathered in the center of the coliseum, even the ones who were knocked out. It was announced by Present Mic that the final round was going to be a one-on-one tournament between everyone from the four winning teams. Midnight was going to draw the fights bet before she could...

Ojiro: Um... Excuse me! I'm withdrawing.

Everyone but (Y/N) looked at him in shock.

Midoriya: Ojiro, why?

Iida: This is a rare chance for pros to see you!

Ojiro: I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end. Me and (Y/N) talked about it and we think it's that guy's Quirk.

He said pointing to Shinso.

Ojiro: I know that this is a great chance, and that it's foolish to waste it... But, everyone here competed giving it their all! I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened.

Hagakure: You're worrying too much about it. You should just make sure you produce results in the finals!

Ashido: If you're gonna say that, I didn't do anything either.

(Y/N): It's not like that. It's not a matter of what we did or didn't do. It's about pride. The pride of a martial artist. The pride of a warrior. It's something you don't understand.

Suddenly, someone else speaks up. It was the teal haired kid who was with (Y/N) and Ojiro.

Shōda: My name is Shōda Nirengeki from Class B. I also want to withdraw for the same reason. Regardless of ability, don't you think it goes against the goal of this sports festival for those who didn't do anything to move onto the final round?

Midnight: Youthful talk like that... I like! Shōda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal! What about you, (L/N)? Are you also going to drop out?

(Y/N): Truth be told, I want to as well. My pride as a swordsman is screaming at me to do the much more honorable thing and drop out. But there is something stronger than pride pushing me. Will. My will to win this festival and to prove that I can win without superpowers. My family has always had a strong will, I'm no different. I'm staying in.

Midnight: I love that youthful determination! You stay in!

With the drop out of two in the top sixteen, they had to move up two students from another team. It was announced that Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki Ibara, both of class 1-B, would move on. Through the random draw, (Y/N) would be up against Ashido Mina in round 1 of the tournament. When (Y/N) looked at the bracket, he noticed that Midoriya was against Shinso in the very first fight of the tournament. Ojiro noticed Shinso going over to talk to Midoriya and stopped the conversation as quick as it started.

Ojiro: (Y/N), I'm going to talk strategy against Shinso with Midoriya. I'll leave you to do what you want, good luck in the tournament.

There were some recreational games played by all the classes including a scavenger hunt. (Y/N) only participated in the scavenger hunt where he was asked to find a pair of earrings. Luckily for him, he was able to submit his hanafuda card earrings. He chose to just watch the other events and before he knew it, it was time for the finals. The pro hero/teacher Cementoss created a tournament arena using his quirk to control cement. (Y/N) sat with the rest of class 1-A in the stands. After a little waiting, round one of Midoriya vs Shinso was ready to begin. They both readied themselves on the arena and the round began. (Y/N) could see Shinso talking to Midoriya but couldn't hear what they were saying. Midoriya ran at Shinso and saw his mouth move and then he suddenly stopped.

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