Chapter 2: Quirk vs Total Concentration

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This is spoken words and narration.

This is thoughts.

The first event is the 50-meter dash. So far the fastest is Iida with a time of 3.04 seconds. But that's because of the engines in his legs. The last one to go is (Y/N) and all eyes are on him. He does his thunderclap and flash once again and gets a time of 0.01 seconds.

Iida: Truly impressive (Y/N). I still can't believe that you are quirkless considering what you can do. I can tell that this didn't come easily to you.

(Y/N): Thanks. You did well too. The fastest besides me is still really good.

Iida: But that's still not your top speed, correct?

(Y/N): Yeah. The Thunderclap and Flash is the one move I've practiced with the most. I'm able to augment the speed of it. I call the fastest version of it God speed.

Next up is the grip strength test. Everyone is impressed at Mezo Shoji's 540kg grip. (Y/N) gets a score of 400kg. Total Concentration Breathing increases the users physical prowess significantly. The next event is the standing long jump. Once again (Y/N) is last to go. Everyone is wondering what he will do next now that he can't run through it. He turns around and back flips.

(Y/N): Breath of Wind Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon!

He draws his blade and slashes at the air while upside-down, releasing a circular gust of wind which propels him to the other side. He lands on his feet and sheaths his sword. He goes over and sits down while waiting for everyone to do the next event which is side stepping. Suddenly Midoriya goes over to him with a notebook.

Midoriya: That was amazing (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Yeah. Even I've got to admit it's pretty amazing. I assume that you've been taking notes on my abilities?

Midoriya: Was it that obvious?

(Y/N): You're holding your notebook.

Midoriya: Oh... Hey (Y/N). This really isn't a quirk is it?

(Y/N): Oh no. It's not a quirk. Anyone could do this, even you.

Midoriya: Even me... Let's say I didn't have a quirk. I could do what you do and still get into U.A. and become a hero?

(Y/N): Yeah. I don't believe you need a quirk to become a hero. Being a hero isn't about aiming for the number one spot or having the strongest quirk. It's about protecting those who can't protect themselves. Even without a quirk, I will protect everyone I can.

Aizawa: (Y/N), you're up!

(Y/N): Alright. We can continue this later.

(Y/N) began doing the side stepping. He wasn't going the fastest but he definitely lasted the longest. He went on for so long that Aizawa had to tell him to stop. Even after going for so long, he wasn't tired. Next up was throwing. The brown haired girl's quirk made anything she touched float. When she threw the ball it went up and up and up and up and... you get the point. On Aizawa's device it just showed an infinity symbol. When (Y/N) went he didn't use any breathing forms. He breathed in, and threw the ball only about 500 meters. It may seem like a lot but it was over 200 meters less than Bakugo's pitch that went 705.2 meters. Great for someone who is quirkless but not so great in the grand scheme of things. Next up was Midoriya.

Iida: Midoriya isn't doing very well...

Bakugo: Well duh. He's a quirkless runt!

(Y/N): Quirkless? From what Midoriya told me about Bakugo, they have known each other for a long time. But from what gravity girl said earlier, he did some kind of super powerful punch recently. Wait. Does that mean... Midoriya didn't develop a quirk but somehow still got one? How is that possible?

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