Chapter 18: A Filthy Stain

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???: Third Form: Loathsome Moon - Chains.

Two giant crescent moons with tons of mini crescent moons around them came and sliced both of their heads off. (Y/N) then heard footsteps and gained a smile as he knew help had arrived. He looked next to him and saw the Moon Hashira.

Ryō: Sorry I'm late. I had a good dream.

Ryō stood with his sword drawn as both the demon's heads dropped to the ground. They teleported again and their heads were back on.

Demon 2: It seems another slayer has come to play.

Demon 1: And one that can use Moon Breathing, one of the rarest Breathing forms. How impressive.

Demon 2: Impressive indeed. Last I remember, a previous Upper Moon One was the only one to use it.

Ryō: Why aren't they dead?

(Y/N): The only reason they wouldn't be dead yet might be that they are linked to an outside body, so we should find that one. They've yet to throw out an attack.

Demon 1: Why would we attack if we don't exist?

Demon 2: We're merely a diversion. An illusion if you will. And you both fell for it.

Demon 1: Humans truly are foolish.

Ryō: Found the real body.

Demon 1: Excuse me?

(Y/N): Think you can deal with them yourself?

Ryō: They don't seem that bad. Probably around the lower end of the Lower Moons.

Demon 2: What are you talking about?! How do you know of our rank?!

(Y/N): You made a mistake attacking this town. This town is protected by a slayer that can sense demons.

Ryō: Found another Blood Demon Moon. Definitely the stronger of the two. Probably around rank three or two. I can handle them myself as well.

Demon 2: How is that possible?! No demon except our lord can sense others!

(Y/N): When your great great grandmother is a former demon, blood can get tainted and evolve over time. Go deal with 'em, Ryō.

With a nod, (Y/N) and Ryō jumped off the roof and headed in separate directions. (Y/N) made his way to an alleyway near the location that Midoriya sent him. As he approached, he felt the air get colder, signifying that Todoroki was also there. He turned the corner and saw Todoroki fighting a man with a ton of blades with him whom he assumed was "Hero Killer: Stain." On the ground was Midoriya, Iida, and the Pro Hero "Native." He gripped his blade as he jumped on one of the alley's walls and began running with water splashing with each step. He got close to the fight before being noticed and drew his blade.

(Y/N): Breath of Water Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow!

(Y/N): Breath of Water Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow!

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