Chapter 19: Meanwhile

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Ryō: Found another Blood Demon Moon. Definitely the stronger of the two. Probably around rank three or two. I can handle them myself as well.

Demon 2: How is that possible?! No demon except our lord can sense others!

(Y/N): When your great great grandmother is a former demon, blood can get tainted and evolve over time. Go deal with 'em, Ryō.

With a nod, (Y/N) and Ryō jumped off the roof and headed in separate directions. Ryō ran through the city, turning street corners until he found an alleyway with a strong pressure to it that no normal person would feel. To the average person, it was just a dark alleyway that you'd want to steer clear of.

???: Stay away... Unless you want to die!

From the shadows, two gigantic and grey arms reached out and grabbed the front two buildings that made the alleyway. They were connected to a gigantic body that pulled itself out from the darkness. It was disgusting and malformed, blood spewing from several parts of the body, seven eyes, a mouth with sharpened and bloody teeth. It's head alone was twice the size of Ryō. It held its massive head directly above Ryō, about to chow down on its prey. Ryō was completely unfazed and walked past it. As he walked he saw that it didn't even have a lower half.

Ryō: Cast as many illusions as you want, they don't have a presence. Let's hurry this along, I got another one of you to deal with tonight.

He kept walking down the alleyway and stopped at a wall before drawing his blade. He stabbed it straight into the wall and pulled it back, blood spewing from where he stabbed.

???: AHHHHH!

A demon dropped his camouflage and fell to the ground, clutching one of its eyes. On the other eye it said "Five" The demon looked pathetic and skinny.

Lower Five: What the hell?! Why didn't you just go for my neck?!

Ryō: I hate people who act like they're above others. Especially if they're someone as pathetic as you. You're not getting a painless death. But I have to get a move on, so I'll make this quick.

Lower Five: All you slayers make the same mistake against us, not killing us immediately. Blood Demon Art: Heartfelt Illusion!

The Lower Five Demon exploded into a cloud of pinkish-white smoke that soon expanded into a smog. After inhaling a small amount, Ryō started coughing profusely. He heard someone approaching from behind and swung himself around but stopped as soon as he laid his eyes on who it was. A young woman, around Ryō's age, with bronze hair, pale white eyes, wearing a black kimono.


Reina: Is that you, Ryō?

Without any hesitation, Ryō sliced her head clean off. The mist dropped and so did Lower Five's head, who was standing exactly where Reina was. The body dropped to the ground and started disintegrating.

Lower Five: H-How?! That was supposed to be the person most important to you!

Ryō: She's dead, I won't let you disgrace her memory.

He said as he put his foot on the Lower Five Demon's head. Using all his strength, he crushed the head, leaving a bloody mess that would eventually disappear. He sheathed his blade and jumped to the top of the building he was standing next to. He looked out and found the presence he felt before. He jumped from building to building and found who he was looking for. It was a demon with short, jet black hair, no clothes other than baggy grey pants and sandals. On his eyes wrote "Lower Two." He stood, cross armed, looking over the city of Hosu. Looking down, there were heroes fighting a couple Nomu including one with wings. Ryō ran behind the demon and jumped, drawing his blade again.

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