Chapter 27:...And Into the Fire

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Fear. That was the only thing (Y/N) was feeling right now. He had no weapon, all he had as some kind of defense was one of the bags of wisteria powder he handed out to Class 1-A in his pocket. As he backed up, he backed up into what felt like a body before jolting forward.

Yamato: There you are. I was wondering where you went, Zero.

(Y/N): Z-Zero?

Upper Zero: It's been a long time, kid.

Memories of that day when he was a little kid, flooded his mind. The day he saw his parent's and sister's cold dead bodies. He spun around and saw him. Other than the King, this is the one man (Y/N) wanted dead the most. He looked identical to how he looked that day.

(Y/N): You...

Upper Zero: Wow, you've really grown up over these... How long has it been?

(Y/N): Eight years.

Upper Zero: Really? I thought it was longer. Who cares, as I was saying, you grew up. There's actual fire within those eyes. You remind me of your mommy.

He said with a smug smile.

(Y/N): I'll kill you!

He tried punching Zero in a blind rage. Zero simply dodged and tripped the young slayer, causing him to fall over. As (Y/N) started standing up, zero put his katana to his throat.

Upper Zero: Without your weapons, you're even more pathetic than when we last met. "If a swordsman is nothing without his sword, then he shouldn't have his sword in the first place." It's one of the memories I have that's still intact from when I was a human. Seeing you like this, so weak, so helpless, almost makes me not want to kill you.

(Y/N): Not want to kill me? I look weak so you don't want to kill me?! What changed from that day?!

He screamed, tears filling his eyes.

(Y/N): Tell me! What did she do?! She was an innocent five year old child! Why?!

Upper Zero: You may look older, but you still have the emotional stability of a child. I should slit your throat right now.

He said with an uncharacteristically serious look.

(Y/N): Is that why I'm here? So you can fix your mistake? Bring me here when I'm defenseless so you can kill me and you can make it up to your master? If I die, they're will be others to replace me. My death will push them to get stronger! So go ahead! Do it!

Upper Zero grit his teeth. He brought his katana up and swung it down. (Y/N) closed his eyes as he braced for the cold embrace of death. But, he didn't feel the steel of his sword. He felt something splash against his face and heard the thump of something hitting the ground and the sound of steel hitting the floor.

???: Lord Aki, I know of your resentment towards this child, but you know that's not why he's here.

(Y/N) opened his eyes and felt his face. When he looked at his hand, he saw blood covering his hand. He looked up and saw that the upper half of Zero's arm was severed clean off. He looked down and saw the sword, his arm, and an arrow sticking out of the ground. He looked over to the source of the voice and saw a man with Upper Three in his eyes. He wore mostly white clothing, a long sleeved shirt and pants. He had crimson armor with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders, thighs, and similarly colored greaves covering his legs. On his face he had three thick, purple line tattoos under his onyx eyes. His hair was an almost black purple that went down to the middle of his back. He carried a bow and quiver on his back.

Upper Zero: Don't you ever refer to me by my name around this little shit.

As he was distracted, (Y/N) quickly grabbed the katana and ran around Zero and closer to the center of the platform.

U.A.'s Demon Slayer (My Hero Academia/BNHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now