Chapter 23: Time for Finals

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Four days passed and (Y/N) mastered the three techniques, now with full help in training with Kagaya. With his guidance, it only took two days and they took the third day to rest. On the fourth day, when (Y/N) went to the main building's rock garden, he saw Kagaya sitting in the spot where he normally does meetings with slayers. In front of him, was a very intimidating man kneeling, and a boy about (Y/N)'s age also kneeling next to him.

Kagaya: Oh, (Y/N), I was just about to summon you. Come, take a seat here.

The two who were kneeling looked over to (Y/N) as he sat down. He sat next to Kagaya and was able to get a good look at the two kneeling. He had yellow eyes, wore a wide-brimmed black hat so he couldn't see his hair, a demon slayer outfit with a black cloak with a crimson inside, a necklace with a thick, golden cross, and a katana on his hip. The boy had short, almost black, dark blue hair, grey eyes, and wore a blue shirt with grey pants and sandals.

Kagaya: (Y/N), this gentleman is Morita Ryūnosuke. As his crow said before, he's the greatest swordsman in the corps. Ryūnosuke, this is Maki's son, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I-It's an honor to meet you, sir.

Morita: So you're the kid. I'm sorry about your mother.

(Y/N): It's alright.

Kagaya: Now you, what is your name, young man?

Shirai: My name is Shirai Katsurō! It's an honor to meet you, sir!

Kagaya: The honor is all mine. Now, Ryūnosuke, what is your reasoning for coming here?

Morita: I have a mission. And I'm not going to leave this kid at my place alone.

Kagaya: Well, would you like to enlighten us on your mission?

Morita: Not now, plus, I won't be very long. (Y/N), I want to assess your strength.

(Y/N): M-Me? Why?

Morita: I want to see how you stack up against Shirai. Do you have a quirk?

(Y/N): No, sir. I'm quirkless.

Morita: I see... How's this, you can use your Total Concentration Breathing and Shirai can just use his quirk.

Shirai: But master, you said my power is too destructive.

Morita: Shirai, it will be fine. What do you say?

(Y/N) looked to Kagaya to see what to do and he just nodded.

(Y/N): Ok, I'll fight.

Morita: Good, that'll make this easier.

Kagaya: Make what easier?

Morita: This.

Faster than (Y/N) could react, Morita grabbed (Y/N) by his shirt collar and jumped on top of the wall separating the Butterfly Mansion to the road. Shirai was standing next to Morita.

Morita: Sorry about this but it's part of the mission. I'm gonna borrow him for a while. I'm gonna assess him when we get to my home and then train him. Goodbye, Master Kagaya.

In the blink of an eye, they left the corps.

(Y/N): That's it.

Midoriya: What?

(Y/N): That's all I'll tell you for now.

We snap back to the present with the four members of Class 1-A sitting in their respective beds.

Todoroki: You're gonna leave us on a cliffhanger?

(Y/N): Yeah, I've talked enough about myself today. Author, next scene please, I want out of this hospital.

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