Chapter 6: The Hashira Part 1

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From this chapter onwards, I will be referring to Ubuyashiki by his first name, Kagaya, as to avoid confusion later on because I will introduce his wife in a later chapter. Also, we won't be returning to the main story until chapter 8 or 9. That is all. Have a good day.


After (Y/N) and Kagaya left the train station, they went down a road that led around a mountain. Around halfway around the mountain, there was a branching path that led into a forest that surrounds the mountain. If you go far enough into the forest, there was a large wooden mansion with a fence around it. This place was the Butterfly Mansion. It was a resting point for Demon Slayers who come back after missions. And it was (Y/N)'s home when he trained to become a slayer. Next to the mansion was a smaller building, this was the headquarters and where Ubuyashki and his wife live.

Kagaya: There is still around thirty minutes until the meeting to discuss the Hashira should begin. You are free to do what you want until then. Though, if you do run into any of your former students feel free to say hi, but don't tell them what the meeting is about. I want it to be a surprise.

(Y/N): Yes sir. I'll make sure to make it on time.

Kagaya: I know you won't. It's some of the others I worry about.

After Kagaya walked away, (Y/N) went from his more proper and dignified stance, to a more lax one. When he entered the courtyard of the butterfly mansion, he saw a girl with brown hair with dyed blue ends tied up in pigtails. When she turned and saw (Y/N) her pink eyes lit up as she ran over and hugged the boy.

???: Hey big brother! It's so good to see you!

(Y/N): Hey, Juno. It's been a few months.

This young girl is (Y/N)'s sister who's three years younger than him, Juno. They aren't related but (Y/N) has acted like an elder brother to her. Neither (Y/N) or Juno have any living family members other than (Y/N) having two distant cousins, so they live at the Butterfly Mansion with Kagaya and his wife, Ubuyashiki Miyuki, acting as parents to them.

Juno: Yeah, the most boring three months ever!

(Y/N): Was it really that bad?

Juno: Definitely. I can't go out and kill demons like you, and I'm stuck at a boring school that's trying to teach me how to use my quirk better.

(Y/N): But you run the Butterfly Mansion.

Juno: Yeah, that's cool, but there are days at a time when slayers don't show up.

(Y/N): I thought Hidaka was going to teach you Flower breathing while I was gone?

Juno: She is, but it's just really hard. Plus the fact that she's blind makes it double difficult!

(Y/N): She's the best you've got. You have a natural affinity for Flower Breathing when we tested you and she's my best student when it comes to that form.

???: That's really flattering, (Y/N).

From the Butterfly Mansion came a beautiful woman in her mid twenties with straight, black hair, going down to about halfway down her back. Like (Y/N) and Juno, she wore a standard Demon Slayer Corps uniform. She held a walking stick and was tapping the ground and walking forward until she found (Y/N). She was the soon to be Flower Hashira, Hidaka Akemi.

(Y/N): Hello, Hidaka. I see you're doing fine.

Hidaka: I thought we agreed to be less formal, (Y/N). We're friends, aren't we?

(Y/N): Of course, Akemi. I guess old habits die hard.

Hidaka: I guess so. The only one's I hear you less formal around are Noboru, Ryō, and Juno, but that's only because they're family, right?

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