Chapter 28: Summer Camp

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The day before the Training Camp, (Y/N) went back to the Corps one last time before being gone for the week. He requested a private meeting with Kagaya to discuss the events from what was a few days ago now. He was now sitting on the floor of his office.

Kagaya: You wanted to see me, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, the other day I saw Yamato.

Kagaya: What?

(Y/N): While I was at the mall with my classmates, Yamato pulled me into the Infinity Castle.

Kagaya's eyes went wide, but then had an angered look on his face

Kagaya:...So... He's revealed himself... What happened in the castle?

(Y/N): I fell onto a platform and Seven Pillars appeared in front of it. I wasn't able to see them but I saw the Upper Moon's eyes. The only ones that came down to the platform were Zero and Three. Zero nearly killed me but was told to go to his platform. Yamato almost turned me into a Demon, but I threw wisteria powder in his face and ran. After I escaped from the castle, I noticed that time works differently inside and outside the castle. I was in there for about thirty minutes, but outside I was gone for over four hours. When I went home, I injected myself with a Wisteria Poison to see if I had been turned.

Kagaya: I see... It was good that you ran, even if you had your weapons at the time, I doubt you'd be here now. There was something about the moons I never told you.

(Y/N): What is it?

Kagaya: It's about the Power of the Upper Moons. The Upper Sixth is as strong as the combination of all of the Lower Moons together. The Upper Fifth is as strong as all of the Lower Moons and then the Lower Sixth stacked on top of that. The fourth is that plus the fifth. I'm sure you see where this goes.

(Y/N): So fighting them all together...

Kagaya: Just fighting Zero is like fighting nearly four hundred Blood Demon Moons. Add the rest of them on to that and it's insanity. And that doesn't even include the King. I'll contact you once we've figured out our next move. I'll call the Hashira here and tell them what you told me.

(Y/N): Actually, hold off on doing that. There's something else I should tell you.

He walked up to Kagaya and whispered.

(Y/N): I have reason to believe that there's a traitor in the Corps.

Kagaya: A traitor? Are you sure?

(Y/N): Not entirely, but they somehow have information on Slayers that they shouldn't, such as Ryō's condition.

Kagaya: They know about that? I'll have the Kakushi do an investigation. Is that all?

(Y/N): That's it for my report.

Kagaya: I see. Have a good time at the Summer Camp. You are dismissed.

(Y/N): Thank you, Master.

He then went to leave the office.

Kagaya: Wait, (Y/N), before I forget. There was something else I needed to tell you.

(Y/N): Yes, Master?

Kagaya: I received a letter yesterday. It was from Katsurō.

(Y/N): Really?! He hasn't said a word to us in five years.

Kagaya: I know. He said he'll be returning in a week.

(Y/N): A week, huh. I should be back the day after.

He said with a weak smile.

Kagaya: I also notified Sakiko. She'll come by the day he comes back. I'll have her stay for when you return.

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