Chapter 13: And the Winner is...

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The time has finally come, it's time for the match to finish off the sports festival. Son of the number 2 hero, Todoroki Shoto vs the quirkless swordsman, (L/N) (Y/N). The crowd gave off a massive cheer as the two first years walked onto the stage.

Present Mic: It's finally the last battle of the U.A. High School sports festival! The top of the first years will be decided with this one match! The final, so to speak! From the hero course, Todoroki Shoto! Versus-- Also from the hero course, (L/N) (Y/N)!

The crowd gave off one more cheer.

Present Mic: Now-- Start!

Todoroki starts off by putting his ice creating hand on the ground and using the same move he used against Sero to freeze a large chunk of the stadium on (Y/N). The one difference was that this was on a smaller scale then the one he used before.

Present Mic: Todoroki gets a blow in right away! Is he trying to avoid close combat with (L/N)? has the winner been decided already!?

After a few moments of silence, you could hear something. You could also see a light coming from the back of the ice. The light got brighter as it got closer to the front of the ice block. The front suddenly was broken open from the inside by (Y/N) who had fire coming from his wooden blade. He charged at Todoroki as he shouted the name of his attack.

(Y/N): Breath of Flame First Form: Unknowing Fire!

He charged at Todoroki and hit him with his sword in the chest and sent him flying back

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He charged at Todoroki and hit him with his sword in the chest and sent him flying back. He created ice to catch himself midair and used the momentum from the attack to swiftly glide across the ice that he continuously created.

Present Mic: He avoids going out of bounds with a wall of ice! Looks like fun!

Todoroki tried using some of the ice to freeze (Y/N)'s legs but (Y/N) jumped and brought his sword down.

(Y/N): Breath of Flame Third Form: Blazing Universe!

The attack narrowly missed Todoroki and he had a perfect opportunity to shoot a blast of fire at the swordsman that his father made apparent.

Endeavor: Use your left! Use it, Shoto!

Before Todoroki could act, (Y/N) saw the hesitation in him and jumped backwards.

(Y/N): Remember what I said, use your power whenever you want. Midoriya did tell you it was your power, so it should be used whenever you want.

On cue, Midoriya chimed in.

Midoriya: Todoroki! Don't lose! Do your best!

When he said that, (Y/N) saw that part of his ice side that was frozen began to melt. He gave a soft smile and got into a high stance while pointing his blade directly at Todoroki. Todoroki's left side then burst into flames.

(Y/N): Let's finish this off right, Todoroki! Breath of Flame Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!

(Y/N): Let's finish this off right, Todoroki! Breath of Flame Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!

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