Chapter 29: Shirai Katsurō and (L/N) (Y/N)

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When (Y/N) woke up, he was at an unfamiliar pace. The last thing he remembered was him being grabbed by his collar by Morita Ryūnosuke in the yard of the headquarters. He looked around and saw that he was in the courtyard of a massive mansion. While continuing on, he saw that the area around the mansion was clearly not well kept, the grass was all dead. There wasn't a single plant, tree, or animal in sight. The sky looked like there was an endless sea of dark clouds so he couldn't tell what time it was. When he walked inside the mansion, he immediately took notice of the Victorian era aesthetic. Despite the outside looking like it hasn't been touched in years, the inside looked spotless.

???: Finally awake, are we?

(Y/N) looked over to the direction of the voice and he saw Morita, sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. He was in a completely different outfit. His hat was off, showing his scruffy and short black hair. He wore a loose red button up shirt and black pants. He still wore the cross necklace.

(Y/N): W-Where are we?

Morita: My mansion. And your home for the next year.

(Y/N): What?

Morita: Before your mother left the Corps to go have you, she told me that if anything were to happen to her, that I was to take care of you. Ubuyashiki got to that first, so I thought a fine alternative was to train you myself. That was the mission I mentioned at the Corps. When Ubuyashiki said he was training you, I settled on one year.

(Y/N): Then what happens?

Morita: I send you and Shirai back to the Corps to go take the Final Selection. If you live, you officially become Demon Slayers and will protect the peace of the unknowing citizens. If you die, then so be it.

(Y/N): D-Die?!

Morita: Of course. Has it really not hit you yet that at any moment you could die in this line of work? You're lucky you're with me, I'm the strongest.

He said, still not looking up from his papers.

Morita: Go look around for a room to sleep in. There are hundreds of rooms here, there's bound to be one you can sleep in.


When (Y/N) woke up next, he made his way back to the main hall of Morita's home. He looked around for around fifteen minutes for where the kitchen was because he hadn't eaten anything since he got there. When he finally found the kitchen, he saw Shirai at the stove, making something on top of it.

Shirai: There you are, master... I was wondering, where did the other kid go?

He said, not looking back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Um... I'm right here. What're you making?

Shirai looked back to (Y/N) with a surprised look.

Shirai: Oh... It's you. Uh, I was making pancakes. You want some?

(Y/N): Yes, please.

Shirai stepped off the box and brought over two plates of pancakes and handed one to (Y/N).

Shirai: The dining hall is this way, come on.

He walked out into and down the hall with (Y/N) following behind. When they entered the room, they sat at the long table and ate their breakfast.

Shirai: So, what's your story?

(Y/N): Hm?

Shirai: Your parents died, right? I was able to gather that much. What about after that?

(Y/N): Not much happened, I was taken to the headquarters and you two brought me here. What about you?

Shirai: My parents disappeared after I was born so I lived with my grandpa for a while. When he died a few months ago, Master Morita found me and brought me here.

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