Chapter 5: The Master, the Disciple, and the Sports Festival

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It was two days after the events of the U.S.J. incident. The day before, (Y/N) left the hospital earlier than expected. He explained to the doctor that he had something on his side called "Plot armor" and left, good as new. Classes were canceled that day and (Y/N) just stayed home in his small apartment that he rented out after moving to the city. Today class is back in session and (Y/N) was nervous to go back because he knew he would have some questions that he didn't want to answer. He was right to assume so because as soon as he walked into the classroom he had plenty of questions thrown at him. Before he answered any of them, Iida walked up to the front of the class.

Iida: Look, we all have plenty of questions, but class is going to begin momentarily so everyone please take your seats!

(Y/N): Uh, we're the only ones standing.

They then took their seats.

(Y/N): I wonder who's going to teach homeroom today. Aizawa was pretty badly hurt the other day and will probably be in the hospital for a few weeks.

The room door opened to reveal a heavily bandaged Aizawa.

Aizawa: Morning.

1-A: You're up already Aizawa-sensei?!

Iida: Glad to see you're doing well, Sensei!

He then walked to the front of the classroom.

Aizawa: My welfare isn't important. Because your fight is far from over.

Bakugo: Our fight?

Izuku: Don't tell me...

Mineta: More villains?! Or maybe demons?!

Aizawa: U.A.'s Sports festival is fast approaching!

1-A: That's so totally ordinary!

Aizawa: It's necessary to demonstrate that U.A.'s crisis management protocols are sound...

(Y/N) had zoned out of what Aizawa was saying and was thinking about how he was going to explain the existence of demons and the Demon Slayer Corps to his classmates. He tuned back into Aizawa's speech at the perfect point.

Aizawa: If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss. Moving on, I'm sure you have plenty of questions from the other day for (Y/N). And I'm sure he wants to do the explaining. We also have a guest that wanted to speak with you all.

(Y/N) walked to the front of the class.

(Y/N): My master wanted to explain it to you himself. Allow me to welcome my master, Ubuyashiki Kagaya II.

(Y/N) walked over to the door and opened it. A man walked in who looked to be in his early 20's. He looked frail and weak for someone so young. Kagaya has pale skin and black hair that goes most of the way down his back that he wears in a ponytail. He wears a black kimono with a white kimono jacket over it. (Y/N) led him to the front of the classroom.

Ubuyashki: Hello everyone. I am Kagaya. I am the leader of the corporation of individuals who have sworn themselves to protect the people around the world from demons called the Demon Slayer Corps. (Y/N) is one of those individuals known as a Demon Slayer. Our job is to exterminate man eating demons. A few months ago I assigned (Y/N) to protect the inhabitants of this city from demons. Others like us exist around the world protecting the unknowing population from demons. The only way to kill a demon is either with a Demon Slayer's specially made sword or sunlight. The Demon Slayers created Total Concentration Breathing to fight them. There were several man eating demons at the U.S.J. that (Y/N) disposed of, including one of the elites. The elite demons are far more powerful than normal ones and can be distinguished by the engraving directly on their eyeball. They are known as the Blood Demon Moons. The Blood Demon Moons along with most demons each have special abilities called a Blood Demon Art. They are essentially the same as a Quirk. Demon Slayers have been fighting demons for hundreds of years. We thought (Y/N)'s ancestor, Kamado Tanjiro, killed the Demon King, Kibutsuji Muzan, over one hundred years ago. But he was just barely able to survive and infected a person, turning them into the new Demon King. Our goal is to defeat the current Demon King and put an end to this. (Y/N) is here with you in class 1-A because Principal Nezu learned of their existence and wanted a slayer of my choice to be apart of this school incase something were to happen like the other day. Does anyone have any questions?

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