Chapter 12: A Chapter Where (Y/N) Actually Does Something This Time I Promise

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(Y/N), Uraraka, Asui, Iida, and Mineta went to go check up on Midoriya. When they got there, they saw both his arms in casts with Recovery Girl and a blonde man in a suit standing next to him. They tried talking to their friend but they were almost immediately shooed out of the room by Recovery Girl who told them that Midoriya would have to go through surgery. This made them worried for their classmates' well-being but they still went back to their seats, except for Iida who had his match up next against Shiozaki, and (Y/N) who went to the waiting room to prepare for his match against Tokoyami.

(Y/N): Tokoyami will already be starting at a disadvantage, being in broad sunlight for this battle and also being up against me who knows how to counter his quirk. Anyway you slice it, I'm guaranteed to win this match. That's gotta suck for Tokoyami... Though, Tokoyami is a smart cookie, maybe he's got some kinda counterattack.

(Y/N) heard his door knock and got up to answer it. He opened it to see that it was his opponent for the next match.

(Y/N): Oh hey Tokoyami, what's up?

Tokoyami: I just wanted to say good luck in the match after ours, I've already accepted my defeat.

(Y/N): Oh... don't say that, I'm sure that y--

Tokoyami: Don't. We both know that I'm bound to lose our match. Your fire is too much for Dark Shadow to handle.

(Y/N): Yeah... I'm still going to use my fire. It would be dishonorable to you if I didn't try.

Tokoyami: I expected that. I respect you, and I know you wouldn't disrespect someone else by not trying. I just wanted to say good luck, who knows when you'll be back in the stands to watch with the rest of the class. I want to see you win this tournament.

(Y/N): As corny as it sounds, I'll carry the strength that you and the rest of our classmates give me to the end of the Tournament. But promise me one thing, you'll at least try in our fight.

They then heard the speakers inside the room turn on.

Present Mic: Can (L/N) (Y/N) and Tokoyami Fumikage please come to the arena.

Tokoyami: That's us. Let's go.

They left and went to the arena. After their names were announced, Tokoyami immediately brought out Dark Shadow and sent him after (Y/N). Instead of trying to block or dodge, (Y/N) stood completely still. Dark Shadow continued going forward but (Y/N) didn't move, not even to unsheathe his wooden sword. Dark Shadow went to punch (Y/N).

Dark Shadow: This is for last time!

(Y/N): Breath of Sun Fourth Form: Fake Rainbow!

As Dark Shadow's fist connected with (Y/N)'s chest, (Y/N) dissolved into a blue, pink, yellow, and white fire.

Present Mic: Where'd he go?! He's nowhere to be seen now that that afterimage is gone!

(Y/N): Breath of Water Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought!

(Y/N): Breath of Water Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought!

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