Chapter 20: Aftermath

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When the police showed up after Stain fell unconscious, Ryō fell over and couldn't move. Him, and the quartet of students who fought Stain were all taken to Hosu General Hospital to get patched up. Unfortunately, it's four to a room so Ryō was taken to the room next door. It was now the next morning and everyone had their injuries patched up and were in hospital gowns.

Todoroki: Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?

Midoriya: No, not really.

Todoroki: I didn't think so. Me neither. What about you (L/N)?

(Y/N): A little. Got a few hours in.

Midoriya: Oh, I assumed you were more used to those kinds of situations.

(Y/N): I am. I just wasn't expecting that out of a human.

Midoriya: Thinking about it now, we did something amazing, huh?

Todoroki: Yeah.

Midoriya: Seeing an ending like that really makes you think it's a miracle we're alive. With my leg like this, and (Y/N) not being able to move, he probably could have killed us if he'd wanted to.

Todoroki: Yeah, we were obviously left alive on purpose. You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you.

Iida: No, that's not it. I...

Gran Torino: Oh, are you wounded kids awake?

Gran Torino, Arthur, and the hero Iida was interviewing with: Manual, all entered the room.

Midoriya: Gran Torino!

Iida: Manuel...

(Y/N): Arthur...

Gran Torino: Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you.

Arthur: Before you start... Kids, you've got a visitor.

A taller man with a dog's head instead of a human stepped in.

Gran Torino: Hosu's chief of police, Tsuragamae Kenji.

The four students stood up immediately aside from Midoriya who took a second. Before he could stand...

Tsuragamae: Oh, you can just stay seated, woof. You must be the U.A. students who brought down the Hero Killer, right?

Todoroki: Yes.

Tsuragamae: Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested... He had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof. Since you are U.A. students, I'm sure you already know that when super powers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons. And then, the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof. For an individual's use of force and power that could easily kill others-- actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce-- to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the professions, woof. Even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their Quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The four of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manuel, Gran Torino, and King Arthur must receive strict punishment.

Todoroki: Wait a minute. If Iida hadn't done anything, Native would have been killed. If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would have been killed. If (L/N) hadn't come, I would have been killed and Native could have been much more injured or killed.

Iida: Todoroki...

Todoroki: No one realized that the Hero Killer had appeared. Are you saying we should have followed the rules and watched people get killed?

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