Chapter 22: Moving Forward

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When (Y/N) woke up, he was in a place unfamiliar to him. He was in a bed, in all white clothes. He sat up and looked around the room, a few beds over was Hitomi, fast asleep. There were at least thirty other beds in the room and all of them were empty.

???: Awake now, are you?

He looked over and saw a woman he would later learn is Kaguya's wife, Ubuyashiki Miyuki in a standard Demon Slayer uniform with the addition of a white nurse dress on top of it. She walked over and sat on his bed. She put her hand to his forehead.

Miyuki: How are you feeling?

(Y/N): I feel fine. Where am I?

Miyuki: You're in the Butterfly Mansion. We give medical care to Demon Slayers. I run this place while my husband runs the main headquarters.

(Y/N): O-Oh. How long have I been asleep?

Miyuki: Today is two weeks.

(Y/N): Two weeks...? What happened to my home? Where's Shizuka?

Miyuki: The girl is downstairs. As for your home, our cleanup crew, the Kakushi, has cleaned up and buried the bodies of those who were killed in your village. The only survivors were you, the girl, and that woman over there.

She said bluntly. All the memories of that day came flooding back into the boy's mind. The mutilated bodies of his sister and father, Hitomi's brush with death, his mother's charred corpse. He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by Miyuki snapping a few times in front of his face.

Miyuki: I'm sorry about the loss of your family. For the time being, you can live here.

(Y/N): Um... Thank you. Where's the guy with the sword?

Miyuki: That was my husband, Kagaya. He's currently at headquarters, next door. If you come with me, I'll take you to him. Can you walk?

(Y/N): Yeah... I think so.

(Y/N) hopped out of bed and followed Miyuki downstairs. Walking through the main hall, (Y/N) looked out one of the sliding doors and saw Shizuka talking to some of the girls in the butterfly mansion uniforms. He didn't say anything and just kept walking. Miyuki took the boy to the rock garden in the back and led him up to one of the doors. She knocked twice.

Kagaya: Come in.

They entered into a large room with not all too much inside. It was Kagaya, sitting at his desk in the center of the room, and shelves covering the back wall with various things on them.

Kagaya: Oh, it's you. How are you feeling?

(Y/N): I feel fine.

Kagaya: Good, Miyuki, do you mind if we talk in privacy?

Miyuki: Of course.

She said before leaving the room. Kagaya stood up, walked in front of his desk, and sat on the matted floor.

Kagaya: Please, take a seat.

(Y/N) did as he was asked and sat in front of Kagaya.

Kagaya: I know I said it in our first encounter but I'm sorry. I can only imagine what kind of trauma you're going through.

(Y/N) didn't say anything, just looked at the ground in front of him.

Kagaya: Your mother was a truly amazing woman, she used to work here before she had you. I only knew her for a few years, but she was a trusted ally. Did she ever tell you about what she did?

(Y/N): Yeah...

Kagaya: Good... When I first became the leader of the corps, I tried my best to get to know the upper ranks of the Demon Slayers. She told me that her earrings have been passed down to the eldest child in the family for generations, along with the Sun god's dance. Here.

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