Chapter 4: The Demon Slayer

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1-A: Demons?!

Aizawa: Are you sure?

(Y/N): My nose has never led me astray before when it came to demons. There are some in the Conflagration Zone. Keep everyone away from there. Expect more company, they weren't there when we got here.

(Y/N) gets in his thunder clap and flash pose once again.

(Y/N): Breath of Thunder First Form: Thunderclap and Flash: Eight Fold!

Leaving a crater where he once stood, (Y/N) speeds off. After he runs off, a portal opens up revealing villains that Aizawa jumps down to fight. Mere moments after running off, (Y/N) arrives at and enters the zone. As he enters he instantly starts tracking demons. They're able to exist within the zone due to the dome covering it blocking sunlight. After some searching, he finds 2 demons talking with each other. He hides behind a building so as to not alert them of his appearance.

Demon 1: When are those kid's showing up, huh?

Demon 2: Worry not my friend, when Lower Three gives the signal we can attack.

(Y/N): Lower Three?! One of the Blood Demon Moon's are here?! Damn it. Demons on their own have never been this organized before, I should have known an elite was here.

Demon 1: I ain't your buddy. Lower Three said that we could get some good grub around here and I ain't seeing any. I hear that theirs like 20 kids here and a couple pros. At least one of them has got to have marechi right?

Demon 2: Indeed. Marechi blood runs more frequently in those with quirks.

Demon 1: Suck's we didn't get lucky and get Demon Blood art's in exchange for our quirks. But that's why the ones that did call the shots, right?

Demon 2:...

Demon 1: Huh?

The first didn't realize it but his head was already cut off by (Y/N) and was currently falling off of his body. The second was already dead.

(Y/N): If they lose their leader then they'll be forced to surrender and retreat.

There was a new smell now coming to (Y/N). It was a familiar smell and it wasn't there moments ago so he knew it must be one of his classmates. He rushed over to find that it was his classmate, Mashirao Ojiro.

Ojiro: Oh, (Y/N). I'm glad to see you.

(Y/N): Same here. Are you the only one in the class to come here?

Ojiro: I think so, yeah. What did you say earlier about demons?

(Y/N): There are man eating demons in this zone. There after you guys because they think you might have special blood. I need you to stay close to me. There is an elite demon around here somewhere.

Ojiro: An elite?! Alright.

The two continue down the many streets of the conflagration zone. There were villains that were easily taken care of and some villains that were killed and partially eaten by bloodthirsty demons. Whenever they encountered a demon, Ojiro would say back while (Y/N) quickly dealt with them.

Ojiro: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah?

Ojiro: Is there a way to tell a normal demon from an elite?

(Y/N): Yeah, the demon has there rank engraved on there eyes. The one we are looking for has lower three on them.

Ojiro: Then I think I found our guy.

Ojiro pointed to the top of one of the buildings nearby. On top was a demon with tinted red skin and red hair. On his crimson eye's were the words "Lower Three".

U.A.'s Demon Slayer (My Hero Academia/BNHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now