Chapter 8: The Sports Festival Begins

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A/N: I forgot to mention this before but if I don't show any pictures of breathing forms it's either I couldn't find a good image or major manga spoilers. I know I said manga spoilers but that was for breathing styles. Their are some big fights in the pictures. Don't want to spoil those for you guys who haven't experienced them yet. Nothing from the final arc.


It was finally the day of the sports festival. All of the Hashira and Juno joined (Y/N) on his way to U.A. except for Koizumi, Miyashita, and Hidaka. (Y/N) wrote to Principle Nezu the day before that he was coming with the Hashira and he let them pass the gate even though they all had their swords. (Y/N) split off from them when he saw that he had to go to the waiting room. Before he got there he remembered that principal Nezu had told him to switch into his gym clothes. When he got to the waiting room he saw that Iida was standing at the door and everyone was staring at Midoriya and Todoroki.

(Y/N): Did I miss something?

Iida: (Y/N)! You're late!

(Y/N): Sorry, my place is a few train stops and a long run away. Plus I came with a lot of people and one of them has never even heard of a train.

Kaminari: Seriously? Never heard of a train?

(Y/N): He grew up on a mountain with lions. He wears a lion skin as a cape.

Kaminari: Ah.

Iida: Look at the time! We need to be out there in a minute! Let's go everyone!

Class 1-A moved out of the waiting room and made their way towards the tournament grounds. Before even getting there, they could hear the roaring crowd and the extra loud teacher, Present Mic over the speakers.

Present Mic: Hey! Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. sports festival is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?! It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!

With that, the students of 1-A exited the inside of the arena and stepped into the open field with the crowd cheering for them as they made their way to the center.

Present Mic: The U.A. sports festival! The huge battle where fledging heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous newcomers who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course, Class 1-A, right?!

As the students walked, it suddenly hit some of them how many people were watching them.

(Y/N): Man, I've never had this many people watching me before. I wonder where the Hashira are?

He said just before spotting them. He could tell it was them instantly because a lot of them were holding up signs that said "GO (Y/N)!!!!" The only ones who weren't holding up signs were Ryō, Yoshino, Moto, and Uzui. Juno had a sign that pointed at herself that said "My idea." (Y/N) facepalmed.

Midoriya: What's wrong?

Uraraka: He's probably just nervous.

(Y/N): *Sigh* No, it's them.

He said while pointing to the Hashira. Some of the other students looked over as well.

Kirishima: That's quite the crowd.

Mineta: Why are there so many cute girls?!

Yaoyorozu: They must be fans of yours, who are they?

(Y/N): A group of top Demon Slayers I lead. And my sister.

They all made it to the center of the field and Present Mic announced all the other classes that are participating. All of the first years made it to the center and stood in front of another teacher and the hero known as the R-Rated hero, Midnight. She will be acting as the umpire for this festival.

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