Chapter 17: The Mark of a Warrior

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It's now day two of the agency interview. By the time (Y/N) woke up the next day, Iwata and Kaneko were already back and the other three went out. (Y/N) had nothing else to do as he waited to go out for the night so he decided to go to the sparring hall to train. He would have asked Iwata to spar again but didn't want to bother him as he was resting. He changed into some casual clothes which included a (F/C) shirt and black shorts, grabbed his bag of weapons and entered the training hall. He pulled two swords from his bag and put them on the ground. He then pulled a notebook out his bag and a pencil. He sat and flipped to a page that at the top wrote: "Hybrid Breathing Techniques." He began writing and writing and writing for about thirty minutes. After he finished, he grabbed the swords that he pulled from his bag and unsheathed them.

(Y/N): Let's see... Hybrid Breathing First Form: Tsunami!

He began trying to execute a move that looked like a horizontal slash but tensed up. He dropped his swords and grabbed his own throat. He was breathing heavily as he fell to his knees. He began steadying his breathing as he stood back up.

(Y/N): H-Holy shit. That was... Why was that almost as intense as the thirteenth form of Sun Breathing?... Let me try again, maybe a different stance would help.

He picked his swords back up and tried again. He got into a more offensive stance and did the same motions as before.

(Y/N): Hybrid Breathing First Form: Tsuna-!

Before (Y/N) could even finish the sentence, he passed out from exhaustion.

(Time Skip)

When (Y/N) woke up, he was laying in an unfamiliar bed. He looked around the room he was in and noticed Shiratori sitting at her desk on a extremely complex looking computer that was showing security camera footage from all around the city. Next to her was a shelf that reached too the celling of the room with a ton of various manga and figures of different characters from said manga. She had a headset with a microphone that was currently on the desk while she was watching her monitors. He sat up and that one motion got her attention, but she didn't turn to him.

Shiratori: Finally you wake up. Took you long enough.

(Y/N): How long was I out?

Shiratori: Well, I found you at nine and it's two so at least five hours. What were you even doing?

(Y/N): Five hours?! I was experimenting with a new kind of breathing style, I didn't think it would do that to me.

Shiratori: Well, you nearly breathed yourself to death. Don't try it again.

(Y/N): On it.

They then sat in silence for a few minutes.

(Y/N): Why did you bring me in here? I thought you didn't like people.

Shiratori: I don't but Arthur told me to watch you today. He said it was "punishment for not properly introducing myself yesterday," after I called him. So I guess make yourself comfy for the next few hours, nothing exiting goes on in here.

(Y/N): Oh... Alright then. Can I look at your manga collection?

That single sentence got her to turn and look at him with stars in her eyes.

Shiratori: You like manga too?!

(Y/N): Yeah, I read on my off time. I really like "One Hit Man" and "Attack on Giants."

Shiratori: My favorites are "Fullsteel Scientist" and "Death Diary."

They then spent the next few hours mindlessly talking about manga. Before they knew it, it was time for (Y/N) to head out. They realized when they heard a knocking at the door and Artur opening it.

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