Chapter 21: Cruelty

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This story takes place a long time ago. It starts in a house on the outside of a small town with around 10 homes. It was getting close to winter time. The family in the house consisted of a mother formerly named Kamado Maki but now (L/N) Maki, father named (L/N) Yūta, a eight year old boy named (L/N) (Y/N), and a five year old girl named (L/N) Emi. Currently, it's the late afternoon, almost sundown. (Y/N) is well aware of the threat of demons at this point but his sister isn't. (Y/N) has a short sword in his bag in case one wants to attack him and has learned some sun breathing. His mother and a book written by Tanjiro have been his greatest help. Outside the house, (Y/N) is in a winter jacket with a backpack on while walking outside.

(Y/N): Mom! I'm going to Shizuka's now!

His mother came out and stood in the doorway, in front of the boy. His mother was a beautiful woman with her long black hair that was red at the tips, and dark red eyes. She wore the earrings that (Y/N) wears today. Like her son, she has a sun mark on her forehead. She walked outside and hugged her son.

Maki: Stay safe, now. It's a long walk to the Nakajima's. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? You can wait for when your father comes back with the car.

(Y/N): Don't worry, it's not that bad of a walk. I've gone plenty of times here and back alone.

Maki: I know, but it's a mothers duty to worry about her child.

(Y/N): I'll be fine, Mom. Don't worry, I'm only staying the night.

Maki: *Sigh* Alright. I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Love you too, Mom.

???: Where's big brother going?

The new voice came from a little girl standing in the hall. Like her mother, she had red eyes but she had (H/C) color hair like (Y/N).

Maki: Oh, Emi. He's going to stay the night at his friend's house.

Emi: No! I want big brother to stay here!

She said as she ran up and hugged (Y/N). Maki pried Emi off the elder child with a small smile.

Maki: I know you love your big brother, but he wants to see his friend. It's only going to be for the night.

Emi: No! I don't want him to go!

(Y/N): Emi... You'll be okay. It's just tonight, okay?

Emi:... Okay... Promise just tonight?

(Y/N): Promise.

(Y/N) left the house while waving at his mother and sister and made his way through the village. He waved at familiar faces that he's seen plenty of times before as he walked, weather it be the village elder, smoking his pipe in his rocking chair, or the little kids playing with a ball. He left the village and walked two miles before reaching the next home. Outside said home was a young Nakajima Shizuka, sitting on the steps of her porch. When she noticed (Y/N) walking to her house, she got up and ran over to him and gave a hug.

Shizuka: Hi, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hi, Shizuka. I thought you would be inside? Don't you hate the cold?

Shizuka: Yeah, I do. But Mom wanted me to wait outside for you while she started dinner. Speaking of, let's go inside.

(Y/N): Alright.

Shizuka led (Y/N) inside the small home. When he entered, he heard the humming of Shizuka's mother. She looked like an older version of Shizuka herself except for the fact that her eyes had slit pupils, fang-like teeth, longer hair, and instead of scales being just on her arm, they were all over her body. Her name is Nakajima Hitomi.

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