Chapter 7: The Hashira Part 2

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???: GET DOWN!

A body came flying through the paper door and hit (Y/N) sending them both to the ground. The person who came flying through was a female wearing a purple beanie along with her demon slayer outfit. You could see parts of her blonde hair sticking out from under it. When she came too, she locked her onyx eyes with (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones. She is the future Wind Hashira, Oshiro Yuki.

Oshiro: Heya, (Y/N). When'd you get here?

(Y/N): Not too long ago. You mind getting off of me, Yuki?

Oshiro: I could, or I could keep staring into your pretty eyes.

Juno: That's enough of that!

She said as she pulled Oshiro off of (Y/N). (Y/N) stood back up and dusted himself off. He looked through the hole that Oshiro made and could see two people standing in the backyard, glaring at each other. The first one was a man without a shirt. He had dark red hair with matching eyes. Unlike every other Slayer with a sword, with the exception of Koizumi's arms and the future Sound Hashira, he carried two on his back. He also wore a skinned lion as a cape while using its hollowed head as a hood and looked to be about twenty. He's the future Beast Hashira, Saito Masaru. The woman opposite of him was a much more dignified woman, also being around twenty years old. She wore her hair longer then every other Slayer, with it going down to her calves. She had bright yellow eyes that matched her hair. She was the future Thunder Hashira, Yoshino Mizuki.

Yoshino: You're such an unbelievable asshole to everyone!

(Y/N) covered Matsumoto's ears right before Yoshino said asshole.

Saito: What was I supposed to do?! She was gonna get in the way! Also, what are you doing calling me an asshole when you're such an unbelievable bitch?!

Once again, (Y/N) covered Matsumoto's ears.

Yoshino: You know what?! That's it!

She began to draw her blade and Saito started to do the same. A boy younger than Juno but older than Matsumoto stepped up and started pulling Saito away while a taller girl that was a little older then (Y/N) pulled Yoshino away. The one who was pulling Saito away had messy blueish green hair and clear blue eyes. He's the future Mist Hashira, Moto Ryoichi. The other was a girl with orange hair just slightly longer than shoulder length with red tips. Her eyes were golden and she had tan skin. She is the future Flame Hashira, Rengoku Hikari, descendent of the brother of the Flame Hashira of Tanjirou's time, Rengoku Senjurō.

Rengoku: Come on you too, you've got to call it quits with the fighting. We're all friends right?

Moto: Y-Yeah, what she said...

Moto has a stuttering problem because of anxiety. (Y/N) and his group go outside to stop the fighting. (Y/N), Oshiro, and Masumoto go to talk with Saito and Moto while Juno and Yamazaki go to talk with Yoshino and Rengoku.

Saito: Oh, you're here.

(Y/N): I come back and you two are fighting again. Every time you two are around together you're at each other's throat. Why is that?

Saito: I don't know. She just pisses me off every time I see her. It's always "Put on a shirt" this, "take a shower" that. Does she complain this much even when I'm not around?

Oshiro: Yeah, I get it. She keeps telling me to take off my hat wherever we go. She keeps telling me "It's not ladylike to wear your hat all the time." So what it's not ladylike, I'll do what I want.

Saito: See, you get it. You get it too, right, *horrible mispronunciation of (Y/N)*?

(Y/N): No not really. She hasn't complained about me for a while.

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