Chapter 26: Out of the Frying Pan...

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Pain continued to spread throughout (Y/N)'s body. The cure to his suffering, literally dangling by a thread in front of him. All he could do is struggle as his time ticked down.

Oshiro: If you give up, I'll give you the cure.

(Y/N): I'm not giving up.

Oshiro: That's what I thought. There's still around ten minutes left. I can wait.

Millions of strings came from her fingertips and connected to the buildings she was standing between, making a makeshift bench. She sat on the contraption and pulled out her phone. (Y/N) tried breaking the strings with his minimal movements but nothing worked. His deteriorating strength wasn't helping.

Oshiro: You can struggle all you want, you can't break out of those with your current strength. Millions of strings that are so thin that you can't even see are attached to your clothes. I can use those strings to crush rocks the size of my body. Even if you somehow bust out of them, I'll just drop the drug.

(Y/N): I have to use my Sun Mark... But what do I do then? I'll have a couple seconds to work with at max. I have two options, either rip the strings and run, or rip the strings, grab the cure, and fight. If I run, the strings will be fast enough to grab me. If I fight, she can easily stall and give Hikari and Kenta time to catch up. If only I could just reach... Wait... That's it!

Several cracking sounds came from (Y/N). Oshiro stood up and looked at the boy with confusion on her face.

Oshiro: What's that sound?

(Y/N): Your downfall. You made one major mistake when trapping me. You should've put the strings directly on my body! Breath of Beast Ninth Fang Altered: Extending Bendy Grab!

 You should've put the strings directly on my body! Breath of Beast Ninth Fang Altered: Extending Bendy Grab!

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(Y/N)'s arm shot out of his sleeve as he grabbed hold of the drug. His sun mark expanded as he tore the string holding it up and instantly injected it into his other arm.

Oshiro: Shit! No!

He then snapped the strings on the arm he put the drug in as he drew his other sword. He cut the strings around him and fell to the ground before making a mad dash to and through the gate.

Speaker: (L/N) has passed! All matches for Class 1-A's practical exam have been completed!

(Time Skip)

With all the matches for the practical exam being completed, those who were injured were taken to Recovery Girl. It was now evening and almost time for slayers to head out. As they walked towards the entrance, they had a small chat.

Oshiro: So, (Y/N), you wanna explain how you did that thing with your arm?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, that.

Rengoku: It was very disgusting looking.

(Y/N): You saw that too?

Rengoku: I did not want to interfere so I watched from a nearby rooftop.

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